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Circular Queue using Linked List – Codewindow

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Circular Queue using Linked List



  1. Create a class called Node which will have the data members of linked list 

  2. Create a class called CircularQueue which will make an array of node type

  3. push() – To push element in circular queue there might be two cases

  • When the queue is empty add create a new Node and point the front pointer on the newly created node

  • When the queue has atleast one node present and the rear pointer is pointing on that node,create a new node and add the node right next to the node pointed by rear and reassign rear pointer to the newly created node.

  1. pop() – To pop or remove an element from the front of queue we have three cases

  • If the queue is empty we cannot remove node from queue

  • If there is only a single node then remove that node and reassign front and rear to NULL

  • If there is more than one node get the value of the node denoted by the front pointer and transfer the front pointer to its next node before removing.

  1. display() – To display attach another pointer to the front and print  while traversing until that pointer reach the front pointer again.

  2. getFront() – Get the node pointed by the front pointer

  3. getRear() – Get the node pointed by the rear pointer 


// intializing the node of linked list
class Node
    int data;
    Node *next;
    Node(int d)
        data = d;
        next = NULL;

// intializing the queue
class Queue
    Node *front, *rear;
    int size;
        front = rear = NULL;
        size = 0;

    // function to push nodes
    void push(int val)
        Node *newNode = new Node(val);
        // if circular queue is empty
        if (front == NULL)
            front = newNode;
        // if circular queue is not empty
            rear->next = newNode;
        rear = newNode;
        rear->next = front;
        std::cout << val << " is pushed to circular queue" << std::endl;

    // function to remove nodes
    void pop()
        // if circular queue is empty
        if (front == NULL)
            std::cout << "The queue is empty" <data;
            delete front;
            front = rear = NULL;
            std::cout << val << " is popped out from circular queue" <data;
        front = front->next;
        rear->next = front;
        delete temp;
        std::cout << val << " is popped out from circular queue" << std::endl;

    // function to display nodes in queue
    void display()
        if (size == 0)
            std::cout << "The queue is empty" << std::endl;
        // attaching a temp pointer
        Node *temp = front;
        std::cout << "Displaying the elements in circular queue: " <next != front)
            std::cout << " " <data;
            temp = temp->next;
        std::cout << " " <data;
        std::cout << std::endl;

    // function to get the front node
    void getFront()
        if (front == NULL)
            std::cout << "The circular queue is empty" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "The element at the front of circular queue is " <data << std::endl;

    // function to get the rear node
    void getRear()
        if (front == NULL)
            std::cout << "The circular queue is empty" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "The element at the rear of circular queue is " <data << std::endl;

int main()
    Queue q;
    return 0;
10 is pushed to circular queue
20 is pushed to circular queue
30 is pushed to circular queue
40 is pushed to circular queue
Displaying the elements in circular queue: 
10 20 30 40
10 is popped out from circular queue
Displaying the elements in circular queue: 
 20 30 40
The element at the front of circular queue is 20
The element at the rear of circular queue is 40

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