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Basic Introduction to Circular Queue – Codewindow

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Circular Queue

A circular queue is a special kind of queue in which the last element is attached/connected to the first element of queue.A circular queue can be thought as a ring.The main advantage of using a circular queue is that if we have some space before the space to which front pointer is pointing we can utilize that space by reassigning the rear to the empty space and enter new element.

Operations on Circular Queue

  • getFront() – Get the element pointed by front pointer

  • getRear() – Get the element pointed by rear pointer

  • push() – To insert element in the circular queue from the rear position and there can be two cases

  1. We can’t enter when the queue is full i.e the front pointer is at 0 and the rear is at size-1

  2. We can enter when the queue has atleast one empty place in it i.e rear is at the last position in queue and the front is not at the starting index of queue

  • pop() – To remove element from queue we need to see 3 parameters

  1. Check if front pointer is pointing to -1 then the queue is empty

  2. If front and rear pointers are pointing to same place means there is only 1 element in queue so remove it and set both front and rear to -1 and if front is at the last position of queue then set front to 0 and return element.


  1. Circular queue is used in replacing pages when the page in front of queue will be chosen

  2. It is used in CPU scheduling


  1. Initialize an array and its size also initialize two pointers front and rear 

  2. isEmpty() – When the front and rear pointers are pointing to -1 that means queue is empty as -1 is not an index of array

  3. isFull() – If the front pointer is pointing to 0 and the rear is pointing to the last index of the array 

  4. push() – To insert element in the circular queue from the rear position and there can be four cases

  • We can’t enter when the queue is full i.e the front pointer is at 0 and the rear is at size-1

  • If the queue is empty we have to reassign the front and rear pointer from -1 to 0 as 0 is the starting index of queue

  • If the front pointer is pointing to an index which is not the first index of queue and the rear is pointing to the last index of queue that means we have some empty space before the front pointer so we will be setting the rear pointer to 0 index and enter element in that place.

  • Normal case where we enter at the index pointed by the rear pointer and increase it.

  1. pop() – To remove element from queue we need to see 3 parameters

  • Check if front pointer is pointing to -1 then the queue is empty

  • If front and rear pointers are pointing to same place means there is only 1 element in queue so remove it and set both front and rear to -1 and if front is at the last position of queue then set front to 0 and return element.

  1. display() – To display elements in queue we have two main cases

  • If the queue is empty we don’t have elements to display

  • If the queue is not empty then we have to cases

Case 1:

When the rear pointer is pointing to a greater index than the front pointer then we’ll be displaying elements from front index to rear index

Case 2:

Since it is a circular queue there might be a case where front pointer is pointing to an index which is greater than the index pointed by rear pointer.In that case we have to first print all the elements from index pointed by the front pointer till the last index and then again start printing from the 0th index till the index pointed by rear pointer.

For example,we have a circular queue of length 5 and the front pointer of queue is pointing to index 3 and rear to index 2.Then we first print all the elements from index 3 to index 4 which is the last index of the circular queue of length 5 and then start printing from the index 0 of queue to the index 2 of queue which is pointed by rear pointer.

  1. getFront() – Get the element pointed by front pointer

  2. getRear() – Get the element pointed by rear pointer


class CircularQueue
    int *arr;
    int front;
    int rear;
    int size;

    // constructor function
    CircularQueue(int n)
        size = n;
        arr = new int[size];
        front = -1;
        rear = -1;
    } // end of constructor

    // function to check if queue is empty
    bool isEmpty()
        if (front == -1)
            return true;
            return false;
    } // end of isEmpty()

    // function to check if the queue is full
    bool isFull()
        if (front == 0 && rear == size - 1)
            return true;
        if (front == rear + 1)
            return true;
        } // end of isFull()
        return false;

    // function to push elements into queue
    void push(int x)
        // checking if queue is full then we cannot insert anything
        if (isFull())
            std::cout << "Queue is full" << std::endl;
        // queue is empty we are changing the index of front and rear to 0 and
        // inserting element at the index pointed by rear pointer
        else if (isEmpty())
            front = rear = 0;
            arr[rear] = x;

        // when there is some vacant space before the index pointed by the
        // front pointer
        else if (rear == size - 1 && front != 0)
            rear = 0;
            arr[rear] = x;

        // normal case
            arr[rear] = x;
        std::cout << x << " is inserted in queue" << std::endl;
    } // end of push function

    // function to remove element from queue
    void pop()
        int element;
        // nothing can be removed if queue is empty
        if (isEmpty())
            std::cout << "Queue is empty" << std::endl;
        // there is element in queue
            element = arr[front];
            std::cout << element << " is popped out of queue" << std::endl;
            // there is only a single element
            if (front == rear)
                front = rear = -1;
            // removing the last element in queue
                if (front == size - 1)
                    front = 0;
    } // end of pop function

    // function to display elements of queue
    void display()
        // queue is empty nothing to print
        if (isEmpty())
            std::cout << "Queue is empty" < front)
                for (int i = front; i <= rear; i++)
                    std::cout << arr[i] << " ";
                for (int i = front; i <= size - 1; i++)
                    std::cout << arr[i] << " ";
                for (int i = 0; i <= rear; i++)
                    std::cout << arr[i] << " ";
            std::cout << std::endl;
    } // end of display function

    // function to get the front element of queue denoted by the front pointer
    void getFront()
        if (isEmpty())
            std::cout << "Queue is empty" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "The front element of the queue is:" << arr[front] << std::endl;
    } // end of getFront function

    // function to get the rear element of queue denoted by the rear pointer
    void getRear()
        if (isEmpty())
            std::cout << "Queue is empty" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "The rear element of the queue is:" << arr[rear] << std::endl;
    } // end of getRear function
int main()
    CircularQueue cq(5);
    return 0;

10 is inserted in queue
20 is inserted in queue
30 is inserted in queue
40 is inserted in queue
50 is inserted in queue
Queue is full
10 20 30 40 50 
The front element of the queue is:10
The rear element of the queue is:50
10 is popped out of queue
60 is inserted in queue
20 30 40 50 60 
20 is popped out of queue
30 40 50 60 

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Automata Fixing


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