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C++ Programing

What is a storage class in C++?

In C++, a storage class is a keyword used to specify the storage duration and scope of a variable or function within a program. Storage classes control how memory is allocated and deallocated for variables and how long they persist during program execution. C++ supports four storage classes:

  1. auto: This is the default storage class for local variables inside a block or function. It is optional and rarely used explicitly since the compiler will automatically infer it for local variables.

  2. register: This storage class is a hint to the compiler to store the variable in a CPU register for faster access. However, the compiler can ignore this hint if it deems it unnecessary. The use of the register keyword is generally considered obsolete, as modern compilers are efficient at optimizing register allocation.

  3. static: Variables declared with the static storage class have a lifetime that extends throughout the program’s execution. They are initialized only once, and their values persist between function calls. If declared inside a function, the variable retains its value between function calls as well. If declared at the global level (outside any function), the variable is accessible only within the file where it is defined, making it effectively “private” to that translation unit.

  4. extern: The extern storage class is used to declare variables or functions that are defined in other files or translation units. It allows you to access variables and functions defined in other files by providing a reference to them. It is typically used when working with multiple files to prevent multiple definitions of the same variable or function.

Here’s an example of how these storage classes can be used in C++:


// Global variable with static storage class (internal linkage)
static int globalVar = 10;

// Function with static local variable
void foo() {
    static int localVar = 0; // This variable retains its value between calls.
    std::cout << "LocalVar: " << localVar << std::endl;

int main() {
    auto int a = 5; // 'auto' storage class (optional, same as 'int a = 5;')

    register int b = 10; // 'register' storage class (compiler may ignore it)

    extern int externVar; // Declaration of an external variable (defined elsewhere)
    std::cout << "ExternVar: " << externVar << std::endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        foo(); // Call the function to see the behavior of static local variable.

    return 0;

Keep in mind that the usage of register is rarely seen in modern C++ codebases due to advanced compiler optimizations. The auto storage class is rarely used explicitly since it is the default behavior for local variables. The most common storage class you will encounter and use in C++ is static.

A storage class determines the scope and life-time of variables and functions in C++.

The storage class in C++ indeed determines both the scope and lifetime of variables and functions. Let clarify it further:

  1. Scope: The scope of a variable or function defines where in the program the identifier is accessible. It refers to the region of the code where the variable or function can be referenced without any prefix or qualification. The C++ storage classes that affect the scope are static and extern.

    • Variables declared with the static storage class have a limited scope, typically confined to the block where they are defined or restricted to the file if they are declared at the global level.

    • Variables declared with the extern storage class have a global scope, and they can be accessed from multiple files or translation units.

  2. Lifetime: The lifetime of a variable or function defines the period during which the identifier holds a valid value or exists in memory. The C++ storage classes that affect the lifetime are auto, register, and static.

    • Variables declared with the auto storage class have a lifetime within the block or function where they are defined. They are created when the block or function is entered and destroyed when it is exited.

    • Variables declared with the register storage class (if the compiler honors the request) are stored in CPU registers for faster access. However, the lifetime of the variable remains the same as if it were declared with the auto storage class.

    • Variables declared with the static storage class have a lifetime that extends throughout the program’s execution. They are initialized only once, and their values persist between function calls.

Here’s a summary of the storage classes and their effects on scope and lifetime:

Storage Class




Block or function

Within block or function (created and destroyed)


Block or function (compiler discretion)

Within block or function (created and destroyed)


Block, function, or file (global)

Throughout the program’s execution (persistent)


Global (accessible across translation units)

Dependent on the scope of the referenced object

Remember that the use of register is rarely seen in modern C++ due to compiler optimizations. The most commonly used storage classes are auto (implicitly used for local variables) and static. The extern storage class is common when working with multiple files or modules in a C++ project.

What are the different storage classes in C++?

In C++, there are four different storage classes that control the scope and lifetime of variables and functions. These storage classes are:

  1. auto: This is the default storage class for local variables inside a block or function. It is optional and rarely used explicitly since the compiler will automatically infer it for local variables. Variables with the auto storage class have a scope limited to the block or function where they are defined and a lifetime that lasts only within that block or function.

  2. register: This storage class is a hint to the compiler to store the variable in a CPU register for faster access. However, the register storage class is not commonly used anymore because modern compilers are efficient at optimizing register allocation. If the compiler honors the register keyword, the variable will have a scope limited to the block or function where it is defined and a lifetime that lasts only within that block or function.

  3. static: Variables and functions declared with the static storage class have a lifetime that extends throughout the program’s execution. The behavior differs depending on whether it’s applied to a variable or a function:

    • For variables: If declared inside a block or function, the variable retains its value between function calls, effectively acting like a “persistent” local variable. If declared at the global level (outside any function), the variable is accessible only within the file where it is defined, making it effectively “private” to that translation unit.

    • For functions: If a function is declared with the static storage class, its scope is limited to the translation unit where it is defined. In other words, the function is only accessible within the file it is defined in and cannot be accessed from other files.

  4. extern: The extern storage class is used to declare variables or functions that are defined in other files or translation units. It allows you to access variables and functions defined in other files by providing a reference to them. When used for variables, the extern keyword does not allocate memory for the variable but rather indicates that the variable is defined elsewhere. For functions, it specifies that the function is implemented in another translation unit.

In summary, the different storage classes in C++ are auto, register, static, and extern. However, register is rarely used in modern C++ due to compiler optimizations, and auto is seldom used explicitly since it is the default behavior for local variables. The most common storage class you will encounter and use in C++ is static, along with the extern keyword when working with multiple files in a project.

C++ has four storage classes: auto, register, static, and extern.

C++ does indeed have four storage classes: auto, register, static, and extern. These storage classes determine the scope and lifetime of variables and functions in a C++ program.

  1. auto: The auto storage class is used to declare local variables within a block or function. It is optional, and when used, it allows the compiler to automatically deduce the data type of the variable based on the assigned value. For local variables, auto is the default storage class and is rarely used explicitly.

  2. register: The register storage class is used to suggest to the compiler to store the variable in a CPU register for faster access. However, it is not commonly used anymore because modern compilers are proficient at optimizing register allocation. As such, it has become effectively obsolete in most C++ code.

  3. static: The static storage class is used to declare variables and functions. For variables, static changes the behavior based on where it is used:

    • Inside a block or function, it makes the variable retain its value between function calls, acting like a “persistent” local variable.

    • At the global level (outside any function), it makes the variable have internal linkage, meaning it is only accessible within the file it is defined in, making it effectively “private” to that translation unit.

    For functions, static specifies that the function has internal linkage and is only accessible within the file it is defined in, similar to a global variable with internal linkage.

  4. extern: The extern storage class is used to declare variables and functions that are defined in other files or translation units. For variables, it indicates that the variable is defined elsewhere and prevents the compiler from allocating memory for it. For functions, extern specifies that the function is implemented in another translation unit.

What is the default storage class for a variable in C++?

n C++, the default storage class for a variable depends on where it is declared. The default storage class for variables is as follows:

  1. Local variables (inside functions and blocks): The default storage class for local variables declared inside a function or a block is auto. It means that if you declare a variable inside a function or a block without explicitly specifying any storage class, it is assumed to be an auto variable.

Example of a local variable with the auto storage class:


int main() {
    auto int x = 42; // 'auto' is optional here (same as 'int x = 42;')
    std::cout << x << std::endl;

    return 0;
  1. Global variables (outside functions): The default storage class for global variables declared outside any function is extern. If you declare a variable at the global scope without explicitly specifying any storage class, it is assumed to be an extern variable.

Example of a global variable with the extern storage class:


int globalVar = 10; // 'extern' is optional here (same as 'extern int globalVar = 10;')

int main() {
    std::cout << globalVar << std::endl;

    return 0;

It’s worth noting that the use of auto as a storage class for local variables is rarely seen in modern C++ since it is the default behavior. For local variables, you can simply declare them without any storage class specifier, and the compiler will treat them as auto variables. For global variables, you can declare them without any storage class specifier, and they will be extern by default.

The default storage class for a variable in C++ is “auto”.

For local variables declared inside a function or block, the “auto” storage class is the default and is optional to write explicitly. When you declare a variable within a function or block without specifying any storage class, it is assumed to be an “auto” variable.

Here’s an example:


int main() {
auto int x = 42; // 'auto' is optional here (same as 'int x = 42;')
std::cout << x << std::endl;

return 0;

In this example, x is a local variable with the default “auto” storage class.

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