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Database Management System

What is TCL?

TCL stands for Transaction Control Language. It is a subset of SQL (Structured Query Language) that is used to manage and control transactions in a database. TCL statements allow you to define the boundaries of a transaction, control its behavior, and ensure the consistency and integrity of data within the database.
TCL statements include:
  1. COMMIT: The COMMIT statement is used to save the changes made within a transaction permanently. It marks the successful completion of the transaction and makes the changes visible to other users or transactions.
  2. ROLLBACK: The ROLLBACK statement is used to undo or cancel the changes made within a transaction. It rolls back the database to its previous state before the transaction started, discarding any modifications made within the transaction.
  3. SAVEPOINT: The SAVEPOINT statement is used to set a savepoint within a transaction. A savepoint allows you to define a specific point within a transaction to which you can roll back if necessary, rather than rolling back the entire transaction.
TCL statements are essential for maintaining the ACID properties of transactions. ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability, which are key principles in ensuring the reliability and correctness of database transactions. By using TCL statements appropriately, you can control the transactional behavior, handle errors, and maintain data integrity within the database.
It’s worth noting that the exact implementation and functionality of TCL statements can vary between different database management systems, but the concepts and principles of transaction control remain consistent across most SQL databases.

What is DQL?

DQL stands for Data Query Language. It is a subset of SQL (Structured Query Language) that is used to query and retrieve data from a database. DQL statements are specifically designed for data retrieval and querying operations.
DQL statements include:
  1. SELECT: The SELECT statement is the primary DQL statement used to retrieve data from one or more tables in the database. It allows you to specify the columns to be retrieved, apply filtering conditions, perform joins, sort the results, and perform various calculations and transformations on the retrieved data.
DQL statements are used by users and applications to retrieve specific data from the database for reporting, analysis, and decision-making purposes. They allow you to retrieve, filter, and manipulate data in a flexible and powerful way, providing insights and information from the database.
It’s important to note that while DQL is focused on data retrieval, it is still part of the broader SQL language, which includes DDL (Data Definition Language) for defining the database structure, DML (Data Manipulation Language) for modifying data, and TCL (Transaction Control Language) for managing transactions.
What is VDL?
In the context of SQL and database management, “VDL” is not a commonly recognized term or acronym. It does not correspond to a widely used concept or language related to databases.
It’s possible that “VDL” is being used in a specific context or domain that is not directly related to SQL or databases. If you can provide more information about the context or use case where “VDL” is mentioned, I may be able to provide a more accurate response.

What is SDL?

SDL stands for Schema Definition Language. SDL is a term used in the context of database management systems (DBMS) to refer to the language or syntax used to define the structure, organization, and constraints of a database schema.
In the realm of SQL and database management, the specific term “SDL” is not commonly used. Instead, the term “DDL” (Data Definition Language) is used to describe the subset of SQL responsible for defining and managing the structure of a database.
DDL statements, such as CREATE, ALTER, and DROP, are used to create and modify database objects like tables, views, indexes, and constraints. These statements define the schema or structure of the database, including the data types, relationships between tables, and integrity constraints.
So, while “SDL” is not a widely used term, the concept of defining and managing the database schema is an important part of database management and is typically achieved through DDL (Data Definition Language) statements within SQL.

What are the SQL commands under DDL,DCL,DML,TCL,DQL?

In SQL, commands are categorized into different language subsets based on their functionality and purpose. Here is a breakdown of the common SQL commands under each subset:
DDL (Data Definition Language):
  • CREATE: Creates a new database, table, view, index, or other database objects.
  • ALTER: Modifies the structure of existing database objects, such as tables, columns, or constraints.
  • DROP: Removes or deletes a database, table, view, index, or other database objects.
  • TRUNCATE: Removes all data from a table while keeping the structure intact.
  • RENAME: Renames a table or column.
DCL (Data Control Language):
  • GRANT: Grants specific privileges and permissions to users or roles.
  • REVOKE: Revokes previously granted privileges from users or roles.
DML (Data Manipulation Language):
  • SELECT: Retrieves data from one or more tables based on specified conditions.
  • INSERT: Inserts new data or rows into a table.
  • UPDATE: Modifies existing data in a table based on specified conditions.
  • DELETE: Deletes one or more rows from a table based on specified conditions.
TCL (Transaction Control Language):
  • COMMIT: Saves the changes made within a transaction permanently.
  • ROLLBACK: Undoes or cancels the changes made within a transaction.
  • SAVEPOINT: Sets a savepoint within a transaction to which you can roll back if needed.
DQL (Data Query Language):
  • SELECT: Retrieves data from one or more tables based on specified conditions. This command is part of both DQL and DML subsets.
It’s worth noting that some commands, such as SELECT, can be classified under multiple subsets (DQL and DML) because they serve both querying and data manipulation purposes.
These are the commonly used commands in SQL under each language subset. However, the specific commands and syntax can vary slightly between different database management systems (DBMS) as per their implementation and SQL dialect.

Difference between ALTER and UPDATE.

ALTER and UPDATE are two distinct SQL commands with different purposes and functionalities:
  1. ALTER:
    • ALTER is a Data Definition Language (DDL) command used to modify the structure of database objects, such as tables, columns, constraints, indexes, or schemas.
    • ALTER is primarily used to add, modify, or drop the structure or properties of existing database objects.
    • Examples of ALTER commands:
      • ALTER TABLE: Modifies the structure of a table, such as adding or dropping columns, modifying column definitions, adding or dropping constraints, etc.
      • ALTER COLUMN: Modifies the properties of a specific column, such as changing the data type, length, or nullability.
      • ALTER INDEX: Modifies the structure or properties of an index, such as adding or dropping index columns or changing index options.
      • ALTER commands are executed through DDL statements and affect the structure of the database.
  2. UPDATE:
    • UPDATE is a Data Manipulation Language (DML) command used to modify the existing data in a table.
    • UPDATE is used to change the values of specific columns in one or more rows of a table based on specified conditions.
    • Examples of UPDATE commands:
      • UPDATE: Modifies the values of one or more columns in a table based on specified conditions.
    • UPDATE commands are executed through DML statements and affect the data stored within the database.
In summary, ALTER is used to modify the structure or properties of database objects, while UPDATE is used to modify the data within a table. ALTER is focused on the schema-level changes, while UPDATE deals with individual row-level changes.

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