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DBMS Technical Questions –

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DBMS - Questions

1. What is a database?

2. What is data?

3. Explain what is meant by DBMS?

4. What are the differences between file system and DBMS?

5. What are the benefits of using a DBMS?

6. Give an example of a popular DBMS?

7. What are the key components of a DBMS?

8. Explain role of in DBMS?

9. How does a DBMS ensure data security and privacy?

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of 2 tier architecture?

11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of 3 tier architecture?

12. Explain what is database scalability in a DBMS?

13. Why is database scalability important for a DBMS?

14. Give an example of a scenario where database scalability would be useful?

15. How does database scalability impact the performance of a database?

16. Explain the different techniques for scaling a database (Vertical Scaling, Horizontal Scaling, Sharding, etc.)?

17. What are the trade-offs between different scalability techniques in a DBMS?

18. Explain what is database performance in a DBMS?

19. Why is database performance important for a DBMS?

20. Give an example of a scenario where database performance would be useful?

21. How does database performance impact the user experience in a DBMS?

22. Explain the different techniques for improving database performance (Indexing, Caching, Query Optimization, etc.)?

23. What are the trade-offs between different performance optimization techniques in a DBMS?

24. What is generalization and specialization?

25. What is data independence?

26. What is logical data independence?

27. What is physical data independence?

28. What are constraints?

29. What is the candidate key?

30. What is the primary key?

31. What is the foreign key?

32. Why do we need a foreign key?

33. What is a super key?

34. What is the composite-primary key?

35. What is the alternative key?

36. Explain what is data modeling in a DBMS?

37. What are the different types of data models(Relational,NoSQL,etc.)?

38. What is the purpose of data modeling in DBMS?

39. Give an example of a situation where data modeling would be useful?

40. How does data modeling impact the quality of data in a database?

41. What are the key components of a good data model?

42. Explain ER model.

43. Explain the key components of an ER diagram(entitites,relationships,attributes,etc.)?

44. What is a single and multivalued attribute in the ER model?

45. What is a simple and composite attribute in the ER model?

46. What is the stored and derived attribute in the ER model?

47. What are the different kinds of relationships in the ER model?

48. How does ER modeling help in database design?

49. Give an example of a situation where ER modeling would be useful?

50. How does ER modeling impact the quality of data in a database?

51. What is normalization?

52. What is the purpose of normalozation in DBMS?

53. Give an example of a situation where normalization would be useful?

54. How does normalization help to improve the quality of data in a database?

55. How can we say that a table is in first normal form?

56. Explain the use of closure method.

57. What is functional dependency and what are it types?

58. What is functional and partial dependency?

59. What are the properties of functional dependency?

60. How can say a table is in second normal form?

61. How can you say a table is in third normal form?

62. What is BCNF?

63. What is lossy and lossless decomposition?

64. What is denormalization in DBMS?

65. When is denormalization used in DBMS?

66. Give an example of a scenerio where denormalization would be used?

67. How does denormalization help improve query performance in a database?

68. What are the trade-offs of denormalization?

69. Explain the basic structure of a SQL query?

70. What is the difference between SELECT and UPDATE statements in SQL?

71. Explain the use of the WHERE clause in SQL?

72. How to sort data in a query result?

73. What are aggregate functions in SQL and how are they used?

74. Explain the concept of NULL values in SQL?

75. What is the purpose of a join in SQL?

76. Explain the difference between an inner join and an outer join in SQL?

77. How to perform complex calculations in a query?

78. Explain the concept of subqueries in SQL?

79. What are window functions in SQL and how are they used?

80. Explain the use of the GROUP BY clause in SQL?

81. How to handle missing data in a query result?

82. Explain the use of the DISTINCT keyword in SQL?

83. How to perform conditional aggregation in SQL?

84. Explain the use of the HAVING clause in SQL?

85. What is joining?

86. What are the different types of JOINs?

87. What is the Armstrong axiom?

88. What are operators?

89. What is DDL?

90. What is DML?

91. What is DCL?

92. What is TCL?

93. What is DQL?

94. What is VDL?

95. What is SDL?

96. What are the SQL commands under DDL,DCL,DML,TCL,DQL?

97. Difference between ALTER and UPDATE.

98. Difference between DELETE,DROP and TRUNCATE.

99. Difference between Nested subquery,correlated subquery and joins.

100. What is the use of IN and not IN keyword? How is statement executed having IN or not IN keyword?

101. Where is EXIST or not EXIST keyword used and how is it executed?

102. What are the five aggregate functions?

103. Explain what is a transaction in a DBMS?

104. What are the properties of a transaction (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)?

105. How does transaction management ensure data consistency in a DBMS?

106. Give an example of a scenario where transaction management would be useful?

107. How does transaction management impact the performance of a database?

108. Difference between commit and rollback in DBMS.

109. What is mean by schedule in DBMS?

110. What is write-read conflict?

111. What is read-write conflict?

112. Explain how we can achieve irrecoverable schedule?

113. Explain how cascading schedule creates a problem in performance.

114. What is serializability?

115. Difference between conflict serializability and view serializability.

116. What is concurrency control protocol and how can we achieve it?

117. How does concurrency control prevent data corruption in a DBMS?

118. Difference between pessimistic and optimistic contol protocol.

119. What are the problems in shared exclusive locking?

120. What is deadlock?

121. What is 2-phase locking and how is it more efficient than shared-exclusive locking?

122. Explain what is data backup in a DBMS?

123. What are the different types of data backup (Full, Incremental, Differential, etc.)?

124. Why is data backup important for a DBMS?

125. Give an example of a scenario where data backup would be useful?

126. How does data backup impact the performance of a database?

127. Explain the difference between cold and hot backups in a DBMS?

128. Explain what is data recovery in a DBMS?

129. Why is data recovery important for a DBMS?

130. Give an example of a scenario where data recovery would be useful?

131. How does data recovery impact the performance of a database?

132. Explain the different techniques for data recovery in a DBMS (Point-in-Time recovery, Incremental recovery, etc.)?

133. Explain what is data security in a DBMS?

134. Why is data security important for a DBMS?

135. Give an example of a scenario where data security would be useful?

136. How does data security impact the performance of a database?

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