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Unions in C

A union is a user defined datatype that also like structure allows to store different datatypes but in union it stores in similar location. In union one member can contain only one value at a time. So, the size of union will be lesser than the size of structure. So, union is more efficient where we needn’t to store multiple members at a same time.

1. The size of union will be as per the size of the highest member size.
2. To define union we need union keyword.

Let us observe the following example:

/* C programs to understand how union works */
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
union test {    // Syntax for Declaration of an Union
	int a, b;
int main() { 
	union test s;	// A union variable s
	s.a = 4;   // s.b also gets value 4
	printf("After making a = 4:n a = %d, b = %dnn",s.a, s.b);
 	s.b = 6;    // s.a is also updated to 6 
	printf("After making b = 6:n a = %d, b = %dnn",s.a, s.b); 
 	return 0;


After making a = 4:
a = 4, b = 4
After making b = 6:
a = 6, b = 6

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