Verbal Ability
Question 1
Question 1
Read the following passage and fill in the blanks by selecting the most appropriate option.
The word “SARI” means “strip of cloth” in Sanskrit. But for the Indian women – and a few men – who have been _____(1)_______ themselves in silk, cotton or linen for millenia, these swathes of fabric are more than just simple garments. They are symbols of national pride, ambassadors
for ______(2)_______ design and craftsmanship, and a prime example of the rich differences in India’s 29 states.
Blank 1: A. Trying B. Binding C. Draping D. Fastening
Blank 2: A. Outdated B. Fixed C. Habitual D. Traditional
A. (1) – A, (2) – B
B. (1) – B, (2) – C
C. (1) – D, (2) – A
D. (1) – C, (2) – D
D. (1) – C, (2) – D
Qs 2 to 5: Read the passage given below and answer the questions.
Man-made fibres are to be distinguished from natural fibres such as silk, cotton, and wool. Natural fibres also consist of polymers (in this case, biologically produced compounds such as cellulose and protein), but they emerge from the textile manufacturing process in a relatively unaltered state. Some man-made fibres, too, are derived from naturally occurring polymers. For instance, rayon and acetate, two of the first man-made fibres ever to be produced, are made of the same cellulose polymers that make up cotton, hemp, flax, and the structural fibres of wood. In the case of rayon and acetate, however, the cellulose is acquired in a radically altered state (usually from wood-pulp operations) and is further modified in order to be regenerated into practical cellulose-based fibres. Rayon and acetate therefore belong to a group of man-made fibres known as regenerated fibres.
Another group of man-made fibres (and by far the larger group) is the synthetic fibres. Synthetic fibres are made of polymers that do not occur naturally but instead are produced entirely in the chemical plant or laboratory, almost always from by-products of petroleum or natural gas. These polymers include nylon and polyethylene terephthalate, mentioned above, but they also include many other compounds such as the acrylics, the polyurethanes, and polypropylene. Synthetic fibres can be mass-produced to almost any set of required properties. Millions of tons are produced every year.
Question 2
Question 2
This passage is mainly about _____.
A. The processing of man-made fibres
B. The difference between natural and man-made fibres
C. The mass production of man-made fibres
D. Different types of man-made fibres
A. The processing of man-made fibres
Question 3
Question 3
Which statement is correct according to the information in the passage?
A. Wool cannot be considered as a natural fibre
B. Natural fibres do not contain any polymers
C. Synthetic fibres are mass produced in millions of tons
D. Synthetic fibres are the smallest group of man-made fibres
C. Synthetic fibres are mass produced in millions of tons
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Question 4
Question 4
About which of the following does the writer say that they were the first man-made fibres?
A. Acetate and rayon
B. Flax and rayon
C. Wool and silk
D. Cotton and hemp
A. Acetate and rayon
Question 5
Question 5
What by-products are created out of the chemical processing of petroleum or natural gas?
A. Polyester
B. Rayons
C. Acetate
D. Cellulose
A. Polyester
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Question 6
Question 6
Fill in the blanks with the most suitable options.
Since the early 1900s, many glaciers around the world have been rapidly melting______(1)_____. Specifically, since the industrial revolution , carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions have raised templates, even higher in the poles. _____(2)______Scientists project that if emissions continue to rise unchecked, the Arctic could be ice free in the summer as soon as the year 2040 as ocean and air temperatures continue to rise rapidly.
a. More than a third of the remaining glaciers of the world would have melted by 2030.
b. As a result, glaciers are rapidly melting, calving off into the sea and retreating on land.
c. Human activities are at the root of this phenomenon.
A. (1) c, (2) a
B. (1) c, (2) b
C. (1) b, (2) c
D. (1) a, (2) b
D. (1) a, (2) b
Question 7
Question 7
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
Look carefully, can’t you _____ the resemblance between the mother and the daughter?
A. Make out
B. Make up
C. Make off
D. Make away
A. Make out
Q8 to Q11 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.
The field of behavioral economics blends ideas from psychology and economics, and it can provide valuable insight that individuals are not behaving in their own best interests.
Behavioral economics provides a framework to understand when and how people make errors. Systematic errors or biases recur predictably in particular circumstances. Lessons from behavioral economics can be used to create environments that nudge people toward wiser decisions and healthier lives.
Behavioral economics emerged against the backdrop of the traditional economic approach known as rational choice model. The rational person is assumed to correctly weigh costs and benefits and calculate the best choices for himself. The rational person is expected to know his preferences (both present and future), and never flip-flop between two contradictory desires. He has perfect self-control and can restrain impulses that may prevent him from achieving his long-term goals.
Traditional economics uses these assumptions to predict real human behavior. The standard policy advice that stems from this way of thinking is to give people as many choices as possible, and let them choose the one they like best (with minimum government intervention). Because they know their preferences better than government officials do. Individuals are in the best position to know what is best for them.
In contrast, behavioral economics shows that actual human beings do not act that way. People have limited cognitive abilities and a great deal of trouble exercising self-control. People often make choices that bear a mixed relationship to their own preference (happiness). They tend to choose the option that has the greatest immediate appeal at the cost of long-term happiness, such as taking drugs or overeating.
Question 8
Question 8
In the fifth paragraph the writer states that individuals often ________
A. Sacrifice long-term benefits in favour of short-term pleasures.
B. Get carried away by the influence of powerful pressures.
C. Overlook short term benefits for long-term advantages.
D. Are swayed by peer pressure to change their opinions.
A. Sacrifice long-term benefits in favour of short-term pleasures.
Question 9
Question 9
Which statement best summarises what the writer is saying in the passage?
A. People are guided according to their individual personalities in their choices and
B. People make many wrong choices when they are in a difficult situation.
C. People need someone to control them and regulate their public behaviour.
D. People are often confused and irrational in their behaviour when faced with challenges.
A. People are guided according to their individual personalities in their choices and decisions.
Question 10
Question 10
What does the writer call the traditional economics model?
A. Systematic error
B. Rational choice
C. Mixed preference
D. Standard policy
B. Rational choice
Question 11
Question 11
Which of the following action words does the writer use to describe the implicit purpose of behavioural economics in human behaviour?
A. To blend
B. To appeal
C. To nudge
D. To restrain
C. To nudge
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Question 12
Question 12
Trans-Saharan Railway was a project to build a rail line south through Algeria to sub- Saharan Africa (1)_______ But Algiers was comparatively near France and possesses, moreover, its own means of defence, so that if it and the other parts of French Africa could be firmly knit together by a railroad there would be little to fear from an outside for. (2)________ Such a road would bring the different parts of the country into touch with one another and would greatly facilitate their economic conquest.
A. Besides the strategic reasons in favor of a Trans-Sahara railroad, there were political and economic ones as well.
B. The southern portions of the French African Empire were practically isolated, the vast interior religions presenting an almost insurmountable barrier between them and Algiers, so that in case of a war with a strong naval power like England, they would be in great danger.
C. As far back as 1880, some preliminary surveys to the south of Algiers were made by exploring parties.
A. (1)-B, (2)-A
B. (1)-B, (2)-C
C. (1)-C, (2)-B
A. (1)-B, (2)-A
Question 13
Question 13
One part of the sentence below may contain grammatical errors. Identify the part. If there is no error, choose ’No error’.
India’s chess olympiad gold-winning team captain Vidit Guprathi says that the experience of playing against, and defeating Iconic Viswanathan Anand was the most special moment of his life
A. India’s chess olympiad gold-winning team captain
B. No error
C. says that the experience of playing against, and defeating
D. was the most special moment of his life
C. says that the experience of playing against, and defeating
Question 14
Question 14
Fill in the blanks with the right options.
Many women in Western society, aware of the power of names to influence identity, are aware that choosing how to identify themselves after marriage can be a significant decision. ______(1) ________One fascinating survey reveals that a woman’s choice is likely to reveal a great deal about herself and her relationship with her husband. _____(2)______On the other hand, women who keep their birth names put their personal concerns ahead of relationships and social expectations.
a. Women who take their husband’s name place the most importance on relationships.
b. Female forms of address influence others’ perceptions as well
c. They may follow the tradition of taking their husband’s last name, hyphenate their own
name and their husband’s, or keep their birth name.
A. (1) b, (2) a
B. (1) a, (2) b
C. (1) c, (2) a
D. (1) b, (2) c
C. (1) c, (2) a
Question 15
Question 15
For the four sentence (S1 to S4) paragraph given below, sentences S1 & S4 are given.From the options P,Q and R, choose appropriate sentences for S2 & S3.
S-1: US president Donald Trump on wednesday refused to commit himself to allow a peaceful transfer of power if he lost his November-3 re-election bid, raising the largely unfounded prospect of widespread fraud in mail in ballots.
S-4: And as a candidate in 2016, he had refused to say he would accept the outcome of the election if he lost.
P. This is not the first time he was not committal on the issue, taking the stance most recently in an interview to fox news
Q. If it was a fair and free election, Trump claimed, there will be “continuation “ of power, and not transfer
R. President Trump married to Melania Trump, a former model, some years ago
Question 16
Question 16
One part of the sentence below may contain an error. Identify the part. If there is no error, choose ‘No error’.
While I was working, I have received a call from my sister.
A. I have received
B. While I was working
C. a call from my sister
D. No error
A. I have received
Question 17
Question 17
Which of the following sentences using formal language?
A. This was really cool, keep them coming!
B. This just doesn’t work for me, you’ll have make another submission of the design.
C. Do not stress yourself, we’ll figure it out somehow
D. You are required to submit the documents for due diligence prior to release of the loan.
D. You are required to submit the documents for due diligence prior to release of the loan.
Question 18
Question 18
The following sentence pair can be combined into one better sentence. Choose the option that gives the best combination without changing the meaning. You did not measure the ingredients correctly. Your cake did not come out well.
A. If you had measured the ingredients correctly your cake would not have come out well.
B. If you had measured the ingredients correctly your cake would have come out well.
C. As you had measured the ingredients correctly your cake did not come out well.
D. Because you had not measured the ingredients correctly your cake would have come
out well.
B. If you had measured the ingredients correctly your cake would have come out well.
Question 19
Question 19
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate set of words from the options given below.
What did the painter do ____________ himself from failing?
When he felt the ladder ____________ he grabbed the gutter to save himself from failing
A. to save/ began slipping
B. to save/ beginning to slip
C. for saving/ began to slip
D. To save/ begin to slip
C. for saving/ began to slip
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Question 20
Question 20
One part of the sentence below may contain a grammatical error. Identify the part. If there is no error, choose ‘No error’.
The new suspension bridge over the large lake were inaugurated yesterday with great fanfare and illuminations.
A. No error
B. with great fanfare and illuminations
C. were inaugurated yesterday
D. The new suspension bridge over the large lake
C. were inaugurated yesterday
Question 21
Question 21
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
“I’ve achieved a life goal, a dream for myself ________ I had for many years,” the winner said.
A. whom
B. who
C. whose
D. which
D. which
Question 22
Question 22
For the four-sentence (S1 to S4) paragraph below, sentences S1 and S4 are given. From the options P, Q and R, choose appropriate sentences for S2 and S3 respectively.
S-1: Since the COVID -19 pandemic has disrupted the normal lifestyle of people across the globe, the virtual world has come to the rescue.
S-4: Accordingly, various stakeholders such as government and private organizations are trying their best to assist each other by sprucing up their existing online platforms, apps and providing training to teachers to use these apps and platforms to the optimum level.
P. Consequently, catering to the needs of all stages of education from pre-primary to university level online education has emerged as an alternative to ordinary face to face classes
Q. Amongst many institutions, schools have also shifted their base to virtual platforms to conduct classes online.
R. Apart from upskilling teachers on apps, organising counselling sessions for other stakeholders such as parents and students are some of the important measures taken by these organizations.
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