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NodeJS Interview Questions – Advanced Level |

1. How to create a simple server in Node.js that returns Hello World?

Step 01: Create a project directory

mkdir myapp

cd myapp

Step 02: Initialize project and link it to npm

npm init

This creates a package.json file in your myapp folder. The file contains references for all npm packages you have downloaded to your project. The command will prompt you to enter a number of things. You can enter your way through all of them EXCEPT this one:

entry point: (index.js)

Rename this to:


Step 03: Install Express in the myapp directory

npm install express –save

Step 04: app.js


var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  res.send('Hello World!');
app.listen(3000, function () {
  console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!');

// Step 05: Run the app
node app.js

2. Explain the concept of URL module in Node.js?

The URL module in Node.js splits up a web address into readable parts. Use require() to include the module:

var url = require('url');

// Then parse an address with the url.parse() method, and it will return a URL object with each part of the address as properties.

var url = require('url');
var adr = 'http://localhost:8080/default.htm?year=2021&month=september';
var q = url.parse(adr, true);
console.log(; //returns 'localhost:8080'
console.log(q.pathname); //returns '/default.htm'
console.log(; //returns '?year=2021&month=september'
var qdata = q.query; //returns an object: { year: 2021, month: 'september' }
console.log(qdata.month); //returns 'september'

3. What is an error-first callback?

The pattern used across all the asynchronous methods in Node.js is called Error-first Callback. Here is an example:

4. What is callback function in Node.js?

In node.js, we basically use callbacks for handling asynchronous operations like — making any I/O request, database operations or calling an API to fetch some data. Callback allows our code to not get blocked when a process is taking a long time.

fs.readFile( "file.json", function ( err, data ) {
  if ( err ) {
    console.error( err );
  console.log( data );

Any asynchronous method expects one of the arguments to be a callback. The full callback argument list depends on the caller method, but the first argument is always an error object or null. When we go for the asynchronous method, an exception thrown during function execution cannot be detected in a try/catch statement. The event happens after the JavaScript engine leaves the try block.

In the preceding example, if any exception is thrown during the reading of the file, it lands on the callback function as the first and mandatory parameter.

5. What is a stub?

Stubbing and verification for node.js tests. Enables you to validate and override behaviour of nested pieces of code such as methods, require() and npm modules or even instances of classes. This library is inspired on node-gently, MockJS and mock-require.

Features of Stub:

Produces simple, lightweight Objects capable of extending down their tree

Compatible with Nodejs

Easily extendable directly or through an ExtensionManager

Comes with predefined, usable extensions

Stubs are functions/programs that simulate the behaviours of components/modules. Stubs provide canned answers to function calls made during test cases. Also, you can assert on with what these stubs were called.

A use-case can be a file read, when you do not want to read an actual file:

var fs = require('fs');
var readFileStub = sinon.stub(fs, 'readFile', function (path, cb) {  
  return cb(null, 'filecontent');


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6. How can you secure your HTTP cookies against XSS attacks?

1. When the web server sets cookies, it can provide some additional attributes to make sure the cookies won’t be accessible by using malicious JavaScript. One such attribute is HttpOnly.

Set-Cookie: [name]=[value]; HttpOnly

HttpOnly makes sure the cookies will be submitted only to the domain they originated from.

2. The “Secure” attribute can make sure the cookies are sent over secured channel only.

Set-Cookie: [name]=[value]; Secure

3. The web server can use X-XSS-Protection response header to make sure pages do not load when they detect reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

4. The web server can use HTTP Content-Security-Policy response header to control what resources a user agent is allowed to load for a certain page. It can help to prevent various types of attacks like Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks.

Content-Security-Policy: default-src ‘self’ *.

7. What is Event loop in Node.js? How does it work?

The event loop is what allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations — despite the fact that JavaScript is single-threaded — by offloading operations to the system kernel whenever possible.

Node.js is a single-threaded application, but it can support concurrency via the concept of event and callbacks. Every API of Node.js is asynchronous and being single-threaded, they use async function calls to maintain concurrency. Node uses observer pattern. Node thread keeps an event loop and whenever a task gets completed, it fires the corresponding event which signals the event-listener function to execute.

Event-Driven Programming

In an event-driven application, there is generally a main loop that listens for events, and then triggers a callback function when one of those events is detected.

Although events look quite similar to callbacks, the difference lies in the fact that callback functions are called when an asynchronous function returns its result, whereas event handling works on the observer pattern. The functions that listen to events act as Observers. Whenever an event gets fired, its listener function starts executing. Node.js has multiple in-built events available through events module and EventEmitter class which are used to bind events and event-listeners as follows

// Import events module
var events = require('events');
// Create an eventEmitter object
var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
// Import events module
var events = require('events');
// Create an eventEmitter object
var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
// Create an event handler as follows
var connectHandler = function connected() {
   console.log('connection succesful.');
   // Fire the data_received event 
// Bind the connection event with the handler
eventEmitter.on('connection', connectHandler);
// Bind the data_received event with the anonymous function
eventEmitter.on('data_received', function() {
   console.log('data received succesfully.');
// Fire the connection event 
console.log("Program Ended.");

8. What is EventEmitter in Node.js?

All objects that emit events are members of EventEmitter class. These objects expose an eventEmitter.on() function that allows one or more functions to be attached to named events emitted by the object.
When the EventEmitter object emits an event, all of the functions attached to that specific event are called synchronously. All values returned by the called listeners are ignored and will be discarded.

var events = require('events');
var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
// listener #1
var listner1 = function listner1() {
   console.log('listner1 executed.');
// listener #2
var listner2 = function listner2() {
   console.log('listner2 executed.');
// Bind the connection event with the listner1 function
eventEmitter.addListener('connection', listner1);
// Bind the connection event with the listner2 function
eventEmitter.on('connection', listner2);
var eventListeners = require('events').EventEmitter.listenerCount
console.log(eventListeners + " Listner(s) listening to connection event");
// Fire the connection event 
// Remove the binding of listner1 function
eventEmitter.removeListener('connection', listner1);
console.log("Listner1 will not listen now.");
// Fire the connection event 
eventListeners = require('events').EventEmitter.listenerCount(eventEmitter,'connection');
console.log(eventListeners + " Listner(s) listening to connection event");
console.log("Program Ended.");
Now run the main.js
$ node main.js
2 Listner(s) listening to connection event
listner1 executed.
listner2 executed.
Listner1 will not listen now.
listner2 executed.
1 Listner(s) listening to connection event
Program Ended.

9. What are the security mechanisms available in Node.js?

Using the Helmet module

Helmet helps to secure your Express applications by setting various HTTP headers, like:

X-Frame-Options to mitigates clickjacking attacks,

Strict-Transport-Security to keep your users on HTTPS,

X-XSS-Protection to prevent reflected XSS attacks,

X-DNS-Prefetch-Control to disable browsers DNS prefetching.

const express = require('express')
const helmet = require('helmet')
const app = express()
Validating user input
Validating user input is one of the most important things to do when it comes to the security of your application. Failing to do it correctly can open up your application and users to a wide range of attacks, including command injection, SQL injection or stored cross-site scripting.

To validate user input, one of the best libraries you can pick is joi. Joi is an object schema description language and validator for JavaScript objects.
const Joi = require('joi');
const schema = Joi.object().keys({
    username: Joi.string().alphanum().min(3).max(30).required(),
    password: Joi.string().regex(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,30}$/),
    access_token: [Joi.string(), Joi.number()],
    birthyear: Joi.number().integer().min(1900).max(2013),
    email: Joi.string().email()
}).with('username', 'birthyear').without('password', 'access_token')
// Return result
const result = Joi.validate({
    username: 'abc',
    birthyear: 1994
}, schema)
// result.error === null -> valid
Securing your Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions are a great way to manipulate texts and get the parts that you need from them. However, there is an attack vector called Regular Expression Denial of Service attack, which exposes the fact that most Regular Expression implementations may reach extreme situations for specially crafted input, that cause them to work extremely slowly.
The Regular Expressions that can do such a thing are commonly referred as Evil Regexes. These expressions contain: *grouping with repetition, *inside the repeated group: *repetition, or *alternation with overlapping
Examples of Evil Regular Expressions patterns:
Security.txt defines a standard to help organizations define the process for security researchers to securely disclose security vulnerabilities.
const express = require('express')
const securityTxt = require('express-security.txt')
const app = express()
app.get('/security.txt', securityTxt({
  // your security address
  contact: '',
  // your pgp key
  encryption: 'encryption',
  // if you have a hall of fame for securty resourcers, include the link here
  acknowledgements: ''

10. What is chrome v8 engine?

V8 is the name of the JavaScript engine that powers Google Chrome. It’s the thing that takes our JavaScript and executes it while browsing with Chrome. V8 provides the runtime environment in which JavaScript executes. The DOM, and the other Web Platform APIs are provided by the browser.

V8 is Google’s open source high-performance JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, written in C++. It is used in Chrome and in Node.js, among others. It implements ECMAScript and WebAssembly, and runs on Windows 7 or later, macOS 10.12+, and Linux systems that use x64, IA-32, ARM, or MIPS processors. V8 can run standalone, or can be embedded into any C++ application.

11. Why to use Express.js?

ExpressJS is a prebuilt NodeJS framework that can help you in creating server-side web applications faster and smarter. Simplicity, minimalism, flexibility, scalability are some of its characteristics and since it is made in NodeJS itself, it inherited its performance as well.

Express 3.x is a light-weight web application framework to help organize your web application into an MVC architecture on the server side. You can then use a database like MongoDB with Mongoose (for modeling) to provide a backend for your Node.js application. Express.js basically helps you manage everything, from routes, to handling requests and views.

It has become the standard server framework for node.js. Express is the backend part of something known as the MEAN stack. The MEAN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic web sites and web applications which has the following components;

MongoDB – The standard NoSQL database

Express.js – The default web applications framework

Angular.js – The JavaScript MVC framework used for web applications

Node.js – Framework used for scalable server-side and networking applications.

The Express.js framework makes it very easy to develop an application which can be used to handle multiple types of requests like the GET, PUT, and POST and DELETE requests.

using Express

var express=require('express');
var app=express();
app.get('/',function(req,res) {
  res.send('Hello World!');
var server=app.listen(3000,function() {});

12. Since node is a single threaded process, how to make use of all CPUs?

Node.js is a single threaded language which in background uses multiple threads to execute asynchronous code. Node.js is non-blocking which means that all functions ( callbacks ) are delegated to the event loop and they are ( or can be ) executed by different threads. That is handled by Node.js run-time.

Node.js does support forking multiple processes ( which are executed on different cores ).

It is important to know that state is not shared between master and forked process.

We can pass messages to forked process ( which is different script ) and to master process from forked process with function send.

A single instance of Node.js runs in a single thread. To take advantage of multi-core systems, the user will sometimes want to launch a cluster of Node.js processes to handle the load. The cluster module allows easy creation of child processes that all share server ports.

const cluster = require('cluster');
const http = require('http');
const numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
if (cluster.isMaster) {
  console.log(`Master ${} is running`);
  // Fork workers.
  for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
  cluster.on('exit', (worker, code, signal) => {
    console.log(`worker ${} died`);
} else {
  // Workers can share any TCP connection
  // In this case it is an HTTP server
  http.createServer((req, res) => {
    res.end('hello world\n');
  console.log(`Worker ${} started`);

Running Node.js will now share port 8000 between the workers:
$ node server.js
Master 3596 is running
Worker 4324 started
Worker 4520 started
Worker 6056 started
Worker 5644 started
The worker processes are spawned using the child_process.fork() method, so that they can communicate with the parent via IPC and pass server handles back and forth.
The cluster module supports two methods of distributing incoming connections.
The first one (and the default one on all platforms except Windows), is the round-robin approach, where the master process listens on a port, accepts new connections and distributes them across the workers in a round-robin fashion, with some built-in smarts to avoid overloading a worker process.
The second approach is where the master process creates the listen socket and sends it to interested workers. The workers then accept incoming connections directly.

13. Explain how does Node.js work?

A Node.js application creates a single thread on its invocation. Whenever Node.js receives a request, it first completes its processing before moving on to the next request.

Node.js works asynchronously by using the event loop and callback functions, to handle multiple requests coming in parallel. An Event Loop is a functionality which handles and processes all your external events and just converts them to a callback function. It invokes all the event handlers at a proper time. Thus, lots of work is done on the back-end, while processing a single request, so that the new incoming request doesn’t have to wait if the processing is not complete.

While processing a request, Node.js attaches a callback function to it and moves it to the back-end. Now, whenever its response is ready, an event is called which triggers the associated callback function to send this response.

14. Is Node.js entirely based on a single-thread?

Yes, it is true that Node.js processes all requests on a single thread. But it is just a part of the theory behind Node.js design. In fact, more than the single thread mechanism, it makes use of events and callbacks to handle a large no. of requests asynchronously.

Moreover, Node.js has an optimized design which utilizes both JavaScript and C++ to guarantee maximum performance. JavaScript executes at the server-side by Google Chrome v8 engine. And the C++ lib UV library takes care of the non-sequential I/O via background workers.

To explain it practically, let’s assume there are 100s of requests lined up in Node.js queue. As per design, the main thread of Node.js event loop will receive all of them and forwards to background workers for execution. Once the workers finish processing requests, the registered callbacks get notified on event loop thread to pass the result back to the user.

15. Can you create http server in Node.js, explain the code used for it?

Yes, we can create HTTP Server in Node.js. We can use the <http-server> command to do so.

Following is the sample code.

var http = require('http');
var requestListener = function (request, response) {
    response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    response.end('Welcome Viewers\n');
var server = http.createServer(requestListener);
server.listen(4200); // The port where you want to start with.
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