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ITC Infotech

Technical Round

Basics of C language

Here are some basic concepts of the C programming language:
  1. Data Types: C has a variety of data types including char, int, float, and double.
  2. Variables: Variables are used to store data in C. Variables have a data type and a unique name.
  3. Operators: C has various operators such as arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators, which perform operations on variables and values.
  4. Control Structures: C provides control structures such as if-else statements, loops (for, while, do-while), and switch-case statements to control the flow of a program.
  5. Functions: Functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task and can be reused throughout a program. C has built-in functions (e.g., printf, scanf) and user-defined functions.
  6. Arrays: Arrays are a collection of variables of the same data type. Arrays can be one-dimensional or multi-dimensional.
  7. Pointers: Pointers are variables that store the address of another variable. Pointers are a fundamental concept in C and are used in various programming tasks such as dynamic memory allocation and pointer arithmetic.
  8. Strings: C uses arrays of characters to represent strings. C provides various string handling functions to manipulate strings.
These are just some of the basic concepts of C programming. Understanding these concepts is essential for learning more advanced topics and writing effective programs in C.

What colour are the pair that’s always in the middle of a network cable?


Why String in java is final and immutable?

In Java, Strings are declared as final and immutable because of several reasons:
  1. Security: Making Strings final ensures that the value of a String cannot be changed after it is created, thereby increasing the security of the data stored in Strings.
  2. Performance: Since Strings are immutable, the JVM can optimize the way Strings are used in memory, by reusing identical String objects and avoiding the overhead of creating a new object each time a string is modified.
  3. Consistency: String immutability ensures that once created, the value of a String cannot be changed, ensuring consistency and avoiding any unintended changes to String data.
  4. Concurrency: In a multi-threaded environment, immutability of Strings eliminates the need for synchronization, making it easier to use Strings in concurrent scenarios without the risk of data corruption.
Overall, the immutability and finality of Strings in Java are important features that provide stability, performance, and security benefits, making them a convenient and reliable data type to use in Java applications.

How many types of subqueries?

There are three types of subqueries
  • Single row subqueries
  • Multiple row subqueries
  • Correlated subqueries

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