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Infosys Overall Interview Question –

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What was the recent technical project you have worked on? What were your key responsibilities?

Tell about your technical project and the responsibility you had in that project. 

What do you like about the IT industry? What do you enjoy the least about it?

The exposure we get in IT industry is phenomenal with learning new technologies.
You can say that working long hours in front of laptop increases the screen time and may cause health issues.

Why is a solution design document important?

Solution design document is important so that a person who is newly appointed for the project doesn’t face any problem while referring to some other’s work.

How many programming languages do you know?

Tell about the programming languages you are most comfortable with as interviewer will further ask you questions from that language.

What is the use of printf() and scanf() functions?

printf() – printf function is used to print character stream of data on stdout console.
scanf() – scanf function is used to read formatted input from stdin. It returns the whole number of characters written in it otherwise, returns a negative value. 

What is a static variable? What is its use?

A static variable creates a single copy of the variable and is shared among all the objects at a class level.

What is difference between call by value and call by reference in C

Call By Value
Call By Reference
1.    When a copy of a value is passed to the function, then the original value is not modified.
When a copy of value is passed to the function, then the original value is modified.
2.    Actual arguments and formal arguments are created in separated memory locations.
Actual arguments and formal arguments are created is same memory location.
3.    In this case, actual argument remain safe as they cannot be modified.
In this case, actual arguments are not reliable, as they are modified.
4.    The copied of the actual arguments are passed to the formal arguments.
The address of actual arguments are passed to their respective formal arguments

What is recursion in C?

Recursion is a self-calling function with a terminating condition.

What is a pointer in C? What are its uses?

Pointer is a variable that holds the address of another variable.
Pointers are used to:
  • Pass arguments by reference
  • For accessing array elements
  • Dynamic memory allocation
  • Implement data structures 

What is a NULL pointer and far pointer?

NULL pointer is a pointer that is pointing to nothing. NULL pointer points to empty location in memory. The value of NULL pointer is 0.
Far pointer is a 32-bit pointer that can access information which is outside the computer memory.

What is a dangling pointer? How is it overcome?

A pointer that points to a non-existing memory location is called a dangling pointer.
To avoid dangling pointer we can initialize the pointer to the NULL value.

What is an infinite loop?

Loop is an iteration procedure of a specific block of code. A loop that never terminates and repeats indefinitely is called infinite loop.

What is a command line argument?

Argument that is passed before compilation of the program.

Can we compile a program without main() function?

No, without main() function we cannot compile.

 What is an object and class?

Object is a real-world entity that has a state and behavior.
Class is a blueprint of similar type of objects.

What do you mean by JVM, JDK & JRE?

JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine which is an abstract machine that provides a run-time environment in which Java bytecode can be executed.
JDK stands for Java Development Kit, a tool which is necessary to compile, document and Java programs. It contains JRE + development tools.
JRE stands Java Runtime Environment, a runtime environment in which Java bytecode can be executed. It is an implementation of JVM which physically exists.

How can you restrict inheritance?

Inheritance can be restricted using the final keyword.

What are static methods and static variables?

static method – In static method we don’t need to create any object of the class which has static keyword. Without creating an object of the class we can access the method which has static keyword in it.
Static variable – A static variable creates a single copy of the variable and is shared among all the objects at a class level.

What is enumeration?

Enumeration often referred to as enum is a special data type which contains a set of pre-defined constants.
enum day {
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thru, Fri, Sat, Sun
What is the use of “this” keyword in JAVA?
“this” keyword is used to carry the reference of the calling object.

 What is the final variable?

When the final keyword is used with a variable then its value can’t be changed once assigned. In case no value has been assigned to the final variable then using only the class constructor a value can be assigned to it.

 Why JAVA is platform independent?

Java is platform independent because it’s bytecodes which run on any system irrespective of its underlying operating system.

What are access modifiers in JAVA?

Access modifiers in Java are keywords that control visibility of data members, methods and constructor to other class.
There are four types of access modifiers in Java:
  1. public
  2. private
  3. protected
  4. default

What is method overloading?

Method overloading in Java is a feature that allows a class to have same method names but different signature of methods. Method overloading does not depend upon return type of the method.

What is interpreted language?

In interpreted language source code is converted into machine language line by line and then executed by some other program. Interpreted language is slower than compiled language and to remove this just-in-time compilation is used. E.g. JavaScript, Python, etc.

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