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HTML Technical Questions –

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HTML - Questions

1. What is HTML and what is it used for?

2. How does HTML differ from other markup languages?

3. What are the basic elements of an HTML document?

4. Explain the difference between HTML elements and HTML tags?

5. How to create a webpage using HTML?

6. How to structure an HTML document using headings, paragraphs and lists?

7. What is the purpose of the DOCTYPE declaration in an HTML document?

8. Explain the difference between HTML, XHTML and HTML5?

9. Explain the Document Object Model (DOM) and how it relates to HTML?

10. Explain the difference between HTML and HTML DOM?

11. How to link one HTML page to another HTML page or an external resource such as a stylesheet or JavaScript file?

12. Explain the difference between HTML attributes and CSS styles?

13. How to add images, videos, and other multimedia elements to an HTML page?

14. What is the role of the “alt” attribute in HTML images?

15. How to create links within an HTML page using anchor tags?

16. How to create tables in HTML and what are the different elements involved in creating a table?

17. What is the purpose of using HTML forms and how do you create them?

18. Explain the difference between HTML form controls such as text boxes, radio buttons, and checkboxes?

19. How to use HTML semantic elements such as header, footer, article, and section to structure a page?

20. What are HTML5 new elements and how do they differ from previous versions of HTML?

21. How to use HTML for accessibility and SEO purposes?

22. Explain the differences between HTML and XHTML?

23. How to validate an HTML document to ensure it follows the standards?

199. What is the purpose of HTML Document Type Declaration (DOCTYPE)?

200. How to ensure that a HTML page is compatible with multiple browsers?

201. What are the considerations to keep in mind while designing a website to ensure browser compatibility?

202. How to debug a HTML page in different browsers?

203. How to handle cross-browser compatibility issues when developing HTML pages?

204. How to ensure that your HTML page is accessible to users with disabilities?

205. How to ensure that your HTML page is mobile-friendly and responsive to different screen sizes?

206. Explain the difference between standards mode and quirks mode in a browser?

207. What is the purpose of the W3C validation service for HTML pages?

208. What are some common HTML compatibility issues and how can they be resolved?

209. How to handle browser-specific CSS and JavaScript in HTML pages?

210. What is the role of HTML in ensuring search engine optimization (SEO) for a website?

211. How to test a HTML page for compatibility with different browsers and devices?

212. What is the role of HTML in ensuring the security of a website?

213. What are some best practices for writing efficient and well-structured HTML code?

214. What are the new attributes introduced in HTML5 for form validation?

215. What is the difference between HTML5 and HTML4 in terms of multimedia support?

216. Discuss the role of HTML5 in creating mobile-friendly websites?

217. How does HTML5 improve the performance and speed of websites?

218. Explain the difference between HTML5 and XHTML and their compatibility with web browsers?

219. What are the steps you take to ensure that your HTML pages are accessible to people with disabilities?

220. How to ensure that your HTML pages meet web standards?

221. Explain the importance of using semantic HTML elements, such as header, nav, main, and article?

222. How to make your HTML pages compatible with different browsers and devices?

223. Explain the use of ARIA attributes in HTML5?

224. How to handle browser-specific compatibility issues in your HTML pages?

225. Explain the difference between HTML4 and HTML5 in terms of accessibility and web standards?

226. How to test your HTML pages for accessibility and web standards compliance?

227. Example of how you have used HTML5 to enhance accessibility for a specific user group?

228. How to ensure that your HTML pages are optimized for search engines?

229. Explain the importance of using CSS in web design and why it is considered a best practice?

230. How to ensure that your HTML pages load quickly, even on slow internet connections?

231. Explain the importance of using descriptive, meaningful, and concise file names and directory structures in HTML?

232. How to handle multimedia content, such as video and audio, in your HTML pages?

233. Example of how you have used HTML5 to create an interactive and engaging web experience for your users?

234. How to ensure that your HTML pages are secure and protect user data?

235. Explain how you would use HTML and CSS to create a responsive design for different screen sizes and devices?

236. How to handle multilingual content in your HTML pages?

237. Explain the importance of keeping your HTML and CSS code organized and well-structured?

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