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Genpact Overall Interview Questions –

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Technical Round

Do you have any technical certification?

If you have any technical certification from world’s leading technological companies then only say yes or else try to avoid it.

Give an example of how you apply technical knowledge in a practical way

If you apply then give the ans.

What is self in Python?

Self is a parameter that references to the current instance of the class and also used to access variables that belong to the class.

What is the use of break statement?

A break statement is used to terminate or to come out from the loop or conditional statement unconditionally. In simple words if a break statement is encountered within a program then it will break the current loop or block.

What is the use of swapcase() function in Python?

swapcase() function is used to convert all the upper case letters of string into lower case and vice versa.

What is the Python decorator?

Decorator in Python helps the user to add new functionality to an existing object without modifying its structure.

What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE?

1. It is a DML command.
It is a DDL command.
2. If we want to delete rows from a table then we use this command.
We use this command to delete all the rows in a table at one go.
3. Syntax: DELETE from Table_name
Syntax: TRUNCATE Table_name
4. We can roll back before commit.
We can’t roll back to previous log.

What is ACID property in database?

ACID properties provides the mechanism to make a database consistent and to ensure integrity of data.
  • Atomicity: It states that either all the operations in a transaction should be reflected in the database or none should be reflected in database. E.g. If a transaction gets any obstruction during processing then it would restart itself from the very first stop.
  • Consistency: Before a transaction start and after a transaction is completed the sum should remain same.
  • Isolation: Converting parallel schedule to serial schedule to gain consistent schedule.
  • Durability: All changes in the database should be permanent.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is an AI based application which becomes more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so.

Nagarro Solved

Automata Fixing


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