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Dequeue using Array -Codewindow

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Dequeue using Array


  1. Take an array and two pointers called front and rear,initiate both of them at -1 as at first the dequeue will be empty

  2. pushFront() – To push elements at the front of dequeue we can have 4 cases.

  • Check for if the dequeue is full

  • Check if the dequeue is empty then reassign front and rear at 0

  • If the front is pointing at the 0th index but the rear is not pointing to the last index of dequeue then we reassign front pointer to the last index

  • In normal case we insert at front and decrease front by 1

  1. pushRear() – To push elements from the rear of dequeue we have 4 cases

  • If the dequeue is full we can’t push elements

  • If the dequeue is empty then reassign the front and rear to 0 index

  • The rear is pointing to the last index of dequeue and the front is not pointing at the 0th index then reassign the rear to the 0th index

  • In normal case we increase rear and insert element in that position

  1. popFront() – To pop elements from front we have 4 cases

  • The dequeue is empty then we can’t do anything to it

  • When a single element is present remove it and reassign front and rear to -1 which tells the dequeue is empty

  • If the front has reached the last index then reassign the front as 0 to maintain the cyclic nature

  • In normal flow remove the element from front and increase the front index by 1.

  1. popRear() – To pop elements from rear we have 4 cases

  • If the dequeue is empty we can’t do anything

  • When a single element is present in the dequeue we reassign front and rear to -1 as the dequeue becomes empty

  • If the rear is pointing to 0 then to maintain the cyclic nature make rear to point to the last index of the dequeue

  • In the normal flow  remove element from rear and decrease rear by 1

  1. getFront() – Get the element from the index pointed by front variable

  2. getRear() – Get the element from the index pointed by rear variable

using namespace std;

class Deque
    int *arr;
    int front;
    int rear;
    int size;

    // Initializing the data structure.
    Deque(int n)
        size = n;
        arr = new int[size];
        front = -1;
        rear = -1;

    // Pushes 'X' in the front of the deque
    void pushFront(int x)
        // check full or not
        if (isFull())
            cout << "The dequeue is full" << endl;
        // check if it is empty or not
        else if (isEmpty())
            front = rear = 0;
        // creating cyclic nature
        else if (front == 0 && rear != size - 1)
            front = size - 1;
        // normal flow
        arr[front] = x;
        cout << "The element inserted at front is:" << x << endl;

    // Pushes 'X' in the back of the deque.
    void pushRear(int x)
        // check full or not
        if (isFull())
            cout << "The dequeue is full" << endl;
        // check if empty or not
        else if (isEmpty())
            front = rear = 0;
        // creating cyclic nature
        else if (rear == size - 1 && front != 0)
            rear = 0;
        // when in normal flow
        arr[rear] = x;
        cout << "The element inserted at rear is:" << x << endl;

    // Pops an element from the front of the deque
    void popFront()
        // to check queue is empty
        if (isEmpty())
            cout << "Queue is Empty " << endl;

        // storing the element denoted by front in a variable
        int ans = arr[front];
        // storing -1 in that place as we need to empty the place
        arr[front] = -1;

        // //single element is present
        if (front == rear)
            front = rear = -1;
        // to maintain cyclic nature
        else if (front == size - 1)
            front = 0;
        // normal flow
        cout << "The element popped out from rear is:" << ans << endl;

    // Pops an element from the back of the deque.
    void popRear()
        // to check queue is empty
        if (isEmpty())
            cout << "Queue is Empty " << endl;

        // storing the element denoted by front in a variable
        int ans = arr[rear];
        // storing -1 in that place as we need to empty the place
        arr[rear] = -1;
        // single element is present
        if (front == rear)
            front = rear = -1;
        // to maintain cyclic nature
        else if (rear == 0)
            rear = size - 1;

        // normal flow
        cout << "The element popped out from rear is:" << ans << endl;

    void display()
        if (front == -1)
            cout << "Dequeue is empty" << endl;
            for (int i = front; i <= rear; i++)
                cout << arr[i] << " ";
        cout << endl;
    // Returns the first element of the deque. If the deque is empty, it returns -1.
    int getFront()
        if (isEmpty())
            cout <<”Queue is empty” << endl;
            return -1;
        cout << "The element at the front of dequeue is:" << arr[front] << endl;
        return arr[front];

    // Returns the last element of the deque. If the deque is empty, it returns -1.
    int getRear()
        if (isEmpty())
            cout <<”Queue is empty” << endl;
            return -1;
        cout << "The element at the rear of dequeue is:" << arr[rear] << endl;
        return arr[rear];

    // Returns true if the deque is empty. Otherwise returns false.
    bool isEmpty()
        if (front == -1)
            return true;
            return false;

    // Returns true if the deque is full. Otherwise returns false.
    bool isFull()
        if ((front == 0 && rear == size - 1) || (front != 0 && rear == (front - 1) % (size - 1)))
            return true;
            return false;
int main()
    Deque dq(5);

    // Function calls

    return 0;
The element inserted at rear is:5
The element inserted at rear is:10
5 10 
The element at the rear of dequeue is10
The element inserted at front is:15
The element at the front of dequeue is:15
The element popped out from rear is:15
The element at the front of dequeue is:5

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