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Data Science

What is regularization and how does it help prevent overfitting?

Introduction: Regularization is a technique used in machine learning to prevent overfitting by adding a penalty term to the loss function that the model is optimizing. The penalty term adds a constraint to the model that encourages it to have smaller parameter values, thereby reducing the complexity of the model and improving its generalization performance.
Types of Regularization, There are several types of regularization, including L1 regularization (also known as Lasso), L2 regularization (also known as Ridge), and elastic net regularization (a combination of L1 and L2 regularization). L1 regularization encourages the model to have sparse parameter values, meaning that many of the parameters are set to zero, while L2 regularization encourages the model to have small, but non-zero parameter values.
Regularization is often used in linear regression, logistic regression, and neural networks, but can be applied to any model that has parameters that can be adjusted during training. By adding a penalty term to the loss function, regularization helps to prevent overfitting and improve the generalization performance of the model.
Yes, regularization is a technique used to prevent overfitting in machine learning.
When a model is too complex, it can fit the training data too closely, resulting in poor performance on new, unseen data. Regularization helps to prevent overfitting by adding a penalty term to the loss function that the model is optimizing. This penalty term adds a constraint to the model that encourages it to have smaller parameter values, thereby reducing the complexity of the model and improving its generalization performance.
Regularization is often used in linear regression, logistic regression, and neural networks, but can be applied to any model that has parameters that can be adjusted during training. By adding a penalty term to the loss function, regularization helps to prevent overfitting and improve the generalization performance of the model.

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