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How to set the text-indent property in CSS?

In CSS, the text-indent property is used to control the indentation of the first line of a block-level element. It allows you to specify how much space should be added before the first line of text. Here’s how you can set the text-indent property:

1. Using Length Values:

    • You can use a length value to set the indentation in pixels (px), ems (em), rems (rem), or other valid CSS length units.

    • Positive values create an indentation by pushing the first line to the right, while negative values create a hanging indentation by pushing the first line to the left.

    • Example usage:

.element-class {
  text-indent: 20px; /* Creates a 20px indentation */

  2. Using Percentage Values:

  • The text-indent property can also accept a percentage value, which is relative to the width of the containing block.

  • Positive values indent the first line to the right by a percentage of the containing block’s width, while negative values indent it to the left.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  text-indent: 10%; /* Creates a 10% indentation */

3. Using the Initial Value:

  • To reset the text-indent property to its initial value, you can use the initial keyword.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  text-indent: initial; /* Resets the text-indent property */

It’s important to note that the text-indent property only affects the first line of a block-level element. Subsequent lines are not indented unless you use additional CSS techniques such as padding or margin. The text-indent property is commonly used for creating hanging indents in paragraphs or for formatting lists and blockquotes.

What are the different font-stretch values in CSS?

In CSS, the font-stretch property is used to control the width or compactness of the characters in a font family. However, it’s worth noting that not all fonts support all possible values for font-stretch. The available values for font-stretch are as follows:

1. normal:

    • This is the default value and represents the normal width of the font. It is the standard width as defined by the font designer.

    • Example usage:

.element-class {
  font-stretch: normal;

2. ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, condensed, semi-condensed:

  • These values progressively reduce the width of the font, making it more condensed.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  font-stretch: condensed;

3. semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded:

  • These values progressively increase the width of the font, making it more expanded or stretched.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  font-stretch: expanded;

4. wider, narrower:

  • These values can be used to make the font wider or narrower relative to the parent element’s font.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  font-stretch: wider;

5. Custom values:

  • Some font families may support additional custom values for font-stretch that are specific to the font. These values can vary depending on the font and are not standardized across all fonts.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  font-stretch: ultra-condensed;

It’s important to note that the availability and support of different font-stretch values can vary depending on the font family and the user’s system. Not all fonts provide a wide range of stretch options, so the effect of font-stretch may vary based on the specific font being used.

How to use @font-face to include custom fonts in CSS?

To include custom fonts in CSS using the @font-face rule, you need to follow these steps:

1. Define the Font Source:

    • First, you need to specify the source of your custom font files. The font files can be hosted on your server or sourced from an external location.

    • Example:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'CustomFont';
  src: url('path/to/font.woff2') format('woff2'),
       url('path/to/font.woff') format('woff');

   2. Assign a Font Family Name:

  • Give a name to your custom font family using the font-family property. This name will be used to reference the custom font in other CSS rules.

  • Example:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'CustomFont';
  /* ... */

   3. Specify the Font Formats:

  • Declare the file formats of the font files using the src property. It is recommended to provide multiple formats to ensure cross-browser compatibility.

  • Example:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'CustomFont';
  src: url('path/to/font.woff2') format('woff2'),
       url('path/to/font.woff') format('woff');

    4. Apply the Custom Font:

  • Once you have defined the @font-face rule, you can apply the custom font to any element using the font-family property.

  • Example:

.element-class {
  font-family: 'CustomFont', sans-serif;

In the above example, the custom font is assigned the name ‘CustomFont’. You can replace ‘CustomFont’ with your desired name. The src property specifies the path to the font files in different formats (e.g., WOFF, WOFF2). Make sure to provide the correct file paths and formats for your font files.

By using @font-face, you can include custom fonts in your CSS and apply them to specific elements, allowing you to achieve the desired typography and visual style on your web page.

What is the purpose of the text-transform property in CSS?

The text-transform property in CSS is used to control the capitalization or transformation of text within an element. It allows you to change the appearance of text by modifying its case, making it uppercase, lowercase, capitalized, or applying other text transformations. Here are the different options for the text-transform property:

  1. none:

    • This is the default value, indicating that no capitalization or transformation is applied to the text.

    • Example usage:

.element-class {
  text-transform: none;

     2. capitalize:

  • This value capitalizes the first character of each word in the text.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  text-transform: capitalize;

     3. uppercase:

  • This value converts all the text to uppercase.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  text-transform: uppercase;

     4. lowercase:

  • This value converts all the text to lowercase.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  text-transform: lowercase;

     5. full-width:

  • This value transforms the text to use full-width characters, primarily used in East Asian typography.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  text-transform: full-width;

     6. inherit and initial:

  • These values allow the text-transform property to inherit or be set to its initial value from its parent element.

  • Example usage:

.element-class {
  text-transform: inherit;

The text-transform property is commonly used to achieve consistent capitalization styles, apply text effects, or adhere to specific typographic requirements. It helps to enhance the visual presentation of text content in CSS.

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