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tcs codevita 2021

Miscellaneous Problem | System Administrator |

Previous Question Suppose You are a System Administrator. You have access to unlimited no. of servers with same amount of CPU (#of cores) & Memory (GB). On these servers, you have to pack number of applications X , deployed as VMs such that the total cost of ownership without affecting the application performance, is the

Miscellaneous Problem | System Administrator | Read More »

Miscellaneous Problem | Bit Score of Number |

Previous Question Given N three-digit numbers, your task is to find bit score of all N numbers and then print the number of pairs possible based on these calculated bit score. Rule for calculating bit score from three digit number:From the 3-digit number,· extract largest digit and multiply by 11 then extract smallest digit multiply

Miscellaneous Problem | Bit Score of Number | Read More »

Mathematical Computation Problem | A Conference |

Previous Question In a conference, attendees are invited for a dinner after the conference. The Coordinator, Sagar arranged round tables for dinner and want to have an impactful seating experience for the attendees. Before finalizing the seating arrangement, he want to analyze all possible arrangements. There are R round tables and N attendees. In case

Mathematical Computation Problem | A Conference | Read More »

Mathematical Computation Problem | Saving Money |

Previous Question By nature, an average Indian believes in saving money. Some reports suggest that an average Indian manages to save approximately 30+% of his salary. Dhaniram is one such hard working fellow. With a view of future expenses, Dhaniram resolves to save a certain amount in order to meet his cash flow demands in

Mathematical Computation Problem | Saving Money | Read More »