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Accenture Coding Question | Sum Of Divisor | CodeWindow

Sum of divisors Print the sum of the divisors of the integer number N. Input specification:Input 1: The integer ‘n’. Output Specification:Return the sum of divisors of ‘n’. Example 1:Input 1: 6 Output: 12Explanation:Divisors of 6 are 1,2,3,6. Sum of number (1+2+3+6)=12 Example 2:Input 1: 36 Output: 91Explanation:Divisors of 36 are 1,2,3,4,6,9,12,18,36. Sum of number […]

Accenture Coding Question | Sum Of Divisor | CodeWindow Read More »

Accenture Coding Question | Frequency Count | CodeWindow

Frequency Count Given a string, find the frequencies of each of the characters in it.The input string contains only lowercase letters. The output string should contain a letter followed by its frequency, in the alphabetical order (from a to z). Input specification:Input 1: The input string. Output Specification:Return a string representing the frequency counts of

Accenture Coding Question | Frequency Count | CodeWindow Read More »

Accenture Coding Question | Reverse String Wordwise | CodeWindow

Reverse String Word Wise Write a function to reverse a string word-wise. Input specification:Input 1: String Output Specification:Return the reversed string that is the last word in input string should come at the first position of the output string second last word at he second position and so on., individual words should remain same. Example

Accenture Coding Question | Reverse String Wordwise | CodeWindow Read More »

Accenture Coding Question | Second Largest Number | CodeWindow

Second Largest Given an array (containing at most 1000 positive integers), find the second largest integer. If there exists no second largest integer, return -1. Input specification:Input 1: Length of the array.Input 2: an array of positive integers. Output Specification:Return the second largest number or -1 accordingly. Example 1:Input 1: 3Input 2: {2,1,2} Output: 1Explanation:1

Accenture Coding Question | Second Largest Number | CodeWindow Read More »

Accenture Coding Question | Maximum Sum of Column and Row | CodeWindow

Maximum Sum Write a program that adds up the largest row sum and the largest column sum from an N-rows *M-columns array numbers. Input specification:Input1: Integer for row dimension of the array. Input2: Integer for column dimension of the array.Input3: Array elements to be entered in row major. Output Specification:Largest row sum + Largest column

Accenture Coding Question | Maximum Sum of Column and Row | CodeWindow Read More »

Accenture Coding Question | String Within a String | CodeWindow

String within String Given two strings, ‘X’ and ‘Y’ (length(X)>=1, length(Y)<=10000), find out if ‘Y’ is contained in ‘X’ Input specification:Input1: The string ‘X’.Input2: The string ‘Y’. Output Specification:Return “yes” if ‘Y’ is contained in ‘X’ else return no. Example 1:Input 1: abacInput 2: ab Output: yesExplanation:ab is present with abac Example 2:Input 1: xyacInput

Accenture Coding Question | String Within a String | CodeWindow Read More »

Accenture Coding Question | Anagrams | CodeWindow

Anagrams An anagram is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another word, phrase or name. Write a function to check if the given two strings are anagrams or not. return “Yes” if they are anagrams otherwise return “No”. Input specification:Input1: The first string.Input2: The second string. Output Specification:return “Yes” if

Accenture Coding Question | Anagrams | CodeWindow Read More »