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interview questions

Latenview Analytics Overall Interview Questions + Coding Solutions –

Hot Topics Latenview Analytics Solution Technical Round Question 1 Reverse a string Answer Here’s a simple implementation of a reverse string algorithm in C: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void reverse(char *str) { int len = strlen(str); int i; for (i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) { char temp = str[i]; str[i] =

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Adobe Overall Interview Questions + Coding Solutions –

Hot Topics Adobe Solution Technical Round Question 1 There is an array of size n which consists of any numbers from 1 to n .Find the numbers in the array which are appear more than once. Answer #include <stdio.h> void printDuplicates(int arr[], int n) { int i; int count[n]; // Initialize count array with 0

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Linkedin Overall Interview Questions + Coding Solutions-

Hot Topics Linkedin Solution Technical Round Question 1 Find the second largest element in a Binary Search Tree. Answer The second largest element in a Binary Search Tree can be found by traversing the tree in the following steps: Start by initializing a variable to store the current node, and set it to the root

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PWC Interview Questions + Coding Solutions –

Hot Topics PWC Solution Technical Round Question 1 What is the result if we do following Null + 90? Answer The result of adding a null value and 90 will be null or undefined. In most programming languages, the result of an operation involving a null or undefined value is also null or undefined. This

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Texas Instrument Interview Questions + Coding Solutions –

Hot Topics Texas Instrument Solution Technical Round Question 1 In how many ways one can design NOT gate? Describe them briefly. Answer There are several ways to design a NOT gate: Using a transistor: A NOT gate can be designed using a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) or a field-effect transistor (FET) in its common-emitter, common-base,

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Deutsche Bank Interview Questions + Coding Solutions –

Hot Topics Deutsche Bank Solution Technical Round Question 1 I have 10 weights. 9 of them are equal, 1 is of a different weight. You only have a way to compare weights of items with other items. How many moves would it take you to determine the rogue weight? Answer To determine the rogue weight,

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