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Infytq DBMS Solve

Sam has to debug and fix the errors.How many errors are there?CREATE TABLE mobilebooking(bookingid CHAR(5) CHECK booking LIKE ‘B%’ PRIMARY KEY,custid VARCHAR2(20) REFERENCES customer(custid),NOT NULL(custid),mobileid VARCHAR2 REFERENCES MOBILE(mobileid),bookingdate DATE DEFAULT); a)3b)2c)4d)5 Answer: Consider the table consultation given below:Table: consultation consultationid department doctorid patientid consultationdate fees 1001 PED D901 P901 12-Feb-18 210 1002 ENT D902 P902

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Infytq Java Solve

Q. Which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to JAVA Language being platform independent? a) The code in Java file is platform independentb) A Java program written in a machine with windows operating system cannot be executed on a machine having other OSc) A class file can be run in any operating system

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