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Coding Questions

Wipro Coding Question Solve | list dictionary tuple count |

Question 1 How to Attempt? Write a logic inside the given function, to do the following task on a given inputstring.Find the number of Lists, Dictionaries and Tuples that occurs in the input stringand return the count in the order of List, Dictionary and Tuple (LDT). That is,“L”+listcount+”D”+dictionarycount+T+tuplecount. For example,return “L2D413”, like that. 1. Lists

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Revature Question Solve | Smallest and the 3rd smallest element |

Write a program to find the difference between the smallest and the 3rd smallest element in thearray. The resultant output should be a positive integer Input FormatFirst line contains an integer, denotes the size of the arraySecond line contains the elements of an array. Sample Input52 3 4 5 6Sample Output2 ExplanationThe smallest element in

Revature Question Solve | Smallest and the 3rd smallest element | Read More »

Revature Question Solve | Sum of Multiplication and Division |

Write a program to get the Sum of multiplication and division of the 2nd largest element with thesmallest element of an arrray. Input FormatFirst line contains an integer, denotes the size of the arraySecond line contains the elements of an array. Sample Input:51 3 4 8 13Sample Output:16 ExplanationHere in this array, 8 is the

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Revature Question Solve | Even Composite Number |

Write a program to display even composite number (non prime numbers) between 1 and entered number(inclusive)display numbers separated by space. Example: Input5Output4 Example:Between 1 and 5, 2, 3 and 5 are primes and 4 are even. JOIN OUR TELEGRAM GROUP FOR DAILY JOB NOTIFICATIONS Click Here! Solution:1. Pyhton 3.7: #code by sampleInput = input() n=int(sampleInput) for

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Anagrams | Coding Problem Solve |

Anagram An anagram is a word, phrase or name formed by rearranging the letters of another word, phrase or name.Write a function to check if two given strings are anagrams or not. Return “yes” if they are anagrams, otherwise return “no”. Input Specifications:input1: the first stringinput2: the second string Output Specification:Return “yes” if they are

Anagrams | Coding Problem Solve | Read More »

Number Puzzle | Coding Problem Solve |

Number Puzzle Given a set of numbers, one can arrange them in any order but must pay a penalty equal to the sum of the absolute differences between adjacent numbers.Return the minimum penalty that must be paid. Input Specification:input1:Length of an integer array of numbers (2<=input1<=1000)input2:Integer array (1<=input2[i]<=10000) Output specification:Return the minimum penalty. Example:Input1: 3Input2:

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