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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 11 Explain the single-threaded event loop model in Node.js and how it enables efficient server-side programming? Answer Sure, the single-threaded event loop model is a core concept in Node.js and enables efficient server-side programming by allowing Node.js to handle large numbers of concurrent requests with a low overhead. In a […]

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 6 How does Node.js handle I/O operations and what advantages does it provide compared to traditional servers? Answer Node.js handles I/O operations using an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. In traditional servers, when a request comes in that requires I/O, such as reading data from a file or a database, the

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 1 Explain what Node.js is and its purpose? Answer Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, server-side runtime environment built on the Google V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to run JavaScript on the server side, providing a powerful and efficient way to build scalable, real-time applications. The primary purpose of Node.js

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