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TCS NQT Previous Year Solve | Day 3 | Slot 1 (V) |

Coding Question 1: FULLY AUTOMATIC VENDING MACHINE dispenses your cuppa on just the press of button. A vending machine can serve range of products as follows: Coffee1. Espresso Coffee2. Cappuccino Coffee3. Latte Coffee Tea1. Plain Tea2. Assam Tea3. Ginger Tea4. Cardamom Tea5. Masala Tea6. Lemon Tea7. Green Tea8. Organic Darjeeling Tea Soups1. Hot and Sour

TCS NQT Previous Year Solve | Day 3 | Slot 1 (V) | Read More »

TCS NQT Previous Year Solve | Day 3 | Slot 1 (IV) |

Programming Logic import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayListTempArrayList = new ArrayList(); TempArrayList.add(30); TempArrayList.add(20); TempArrayList.add(10); TempArrayList.add(40); TempArrayList.add(50); Collections.sort(TempArrayList, Collections.reverseOrder()); Collections.sort(TempArrayList, Collections.reverseOrder()); System.out.println(TempArrayList); } } Question 1 Answer Explanation Question 1 What will be the output of the above program? Answer [50, 40, 30, 20, 10] Explanation Collections.sort(TempArrayList, Collections.reverseOrder()) sorts

TCS NQT Previous Year Solve | Day 3 | Slot 1 (IV) | Read More »

TCS NQT Previous Year Solve | Day 3 | Slot 1 (II) |

Verbal Ability Question 1 Answer Question 1 Read the following passage and fill in the blanks by selecting the most appropriate option. The word “SARI” means “strip of cloth” in Sanskrit. But for the Indian women – and a few men – who have been _____(1)_______ themselves in silk, cotton or linen for millenia, these

TCS NQT Previous Year Solve | Day 3 | Slot 1 (II) | Read More »