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Operators in C

C language has a big set of built-in operators. An operator is a symbol to perform some mathematical or logical operations with data and variables. Operators can be classified into the following types: Arithmetic Operators Logical Operators Relational Operators Assignments Operators Bitwise Operators Arithmetic Operators : Arithmetic operators are used for mathematical operations in c.

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Unary Operator in C

What is Unary Operator in c ? unary operators are used for produce a new value. This operator require only one operand. Types of Unary operators:  Unary minus(-)  Increment (++)  Decrement (–)  NOT(!)  Address operator(&)  sizeof() Unary Minus (-) : It is a unary operator which is used for changing the sign of a variable.A

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Ternary Operator in C

What is Ternary Operator in C ? It is also known as conditional operators. It requires three operands. General Syntax : expression1 ? expression 2: expression 3 Explanation: Here expression 1 must be a condition. Expression 1 will always evaluated. If the condition is true then it will go to expression 2,but the condition is

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