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Accenture Coding Question | Next Letter | CodeWindow

Next Letter The function accepts two characters ‘ch1’ and ‘ch2’ as the argument. ‘ch1’ and ‘ch2’ are alphabetical letters. Implement the function to find and return the next letter so that distance between ch1 and ch2. While counting distance if you exceed the letter ‘z’ then count the remaining distance starting from the letter ‘a’.

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Accenture Coding Question | Superior Array Element | CodeWindow

Superior Array Element In an array, a superior element is one that is greater than all elements to its right. the rightmost element will always be considered as a superior element. Here, the function accepts an integer array ‘arr’ and its length ‘n’. Implement the function to find and return the number of superior element

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Accenture Coding Question | String Palindrome | CodeWindow

String Palindrome Write a function to find if the given string string is palindrome or not. Return 1 if the input string is a palindrome, else return 0. Input specification:Input 1: A string of characters. Output Specification:0 or 1 depending on whether the string is a palindrome or not. Example 1:Input 1: level Output: 1Explanation:The

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Accenture Coding Question | Largest Sub-Array | CodeWindow

Largest Sub Array Given an array containing only 0’s and 1’s, Find the largest subarray containing an equal number of 0s and 1s. Input specification:Input 1: The length of an array.Input 2: Array containing 0s and 1s. Output Specification:Return the length of the largest sub-array containing equal no. of 0s and 1s. Example 1:Input 1:

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Accenture Coding Question | Quadratic Equation Roots | CodeWindow

Quadratic Equation Roots Write a function to calculate roots of a quadratic equation of the from ax^2+bx+c=0The formula to find the roots of a quadratic equation is given below:X+ = (-b + root of (b^2 – 4ac))/2aX- = (-b – root of (b^2 – 4ac))/2a Input specification:Input 1: A double value representing the coefficient value

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Accenture Coding Question | Sum of Uncommon Elements | CodeWindow

Sum of Uncommon Elements The function accepts two integer arrays ‘arr’ and ‘arr2’ of sizes n and m respectively as its argument. Implement the function to find and return the sum of all uncommon elements in two arrays (elements which are present in only one of the array).Note:Return -1 if both arrays are null (None

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