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Coding Questions | Longest Palindromic Subsequence |

Given a string x (1<=len(x)<=1000) find the length of its longest palindromic subsequence. The string contains only lowercase letters. Write a program that takes in input as String x and returns the length of the longest palindromic subsequence of x. Input Format:String input. Output Format:return the length of the longest palindromic subsequence. Example :Input:ababa Output:5 […]

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C program to convert a given temperature in Centigrade scale to its equivalent Fahrenheit scale – Coding Question 1

Write a complete C program to convert a given temperature in Centigrade scale to its equivalent Fahrenheit scale. #include<stdio.h> int main() { float c,f; printf("n Enter the temperature in Celcius: "); scanf("%f",&c); f=((9*c)/5)+32; printf("n The temperature in Fahrenheit Scale: %.2f degree Fahrenheit",f); return 0; } Join Our Telegram Group Visit our Facebook Page Coding Questions

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