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Reverse a String in C

What is String?The string is a character array that ends with a null character denoted by ‘\0’. Now, in this program, we have to reverse a string in c programming.Suppose the Input is: codewindowThen the Output will be: wodniwedoc We have definitely different approaches to code this program. Using in-built function strrev() Without using in-built

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Data types in C

C language is rich in its data types. Storage representations and machine instructions to handle constants differs from machine to machine. The variety of data types available, allow the programmers to select the type appropriate to the needs of the application, as well as the machine. In a simple way, we can say that the

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Operators in C

C language has a big set of built-in operators. An operator is a symbol to perform some mathematical or logical operations with data and variables. Operators can be classified into the following types: Arithmetic Operators Logical Operators Relational Operators Assignments Operators Bitwise Operators Arithmetic Operators : Arithmetic operators are used for mathematical operations in c.

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Unary Operator in C

What is Unary Operator in c ? unary operators are used for produce a new value. This operator require only one operand. Types of Unary operators:  Unary minus(-)  Increment (++)  Decrement (–)  NOT(!)  Address operator(&)  sizeof() Unary Minus (-) : It is a unary operator which is used for changing the sign of a variable.A

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Ternary Operator in C

What is Ternary Operator in C ? It is also known as conditional operators. It requires three operands. General Syntax : expression1 ? expression 2: expression 3 Explanation: Here expression 1 must be a condition. Expression 1 will always evaluated. If the condition is true then it will go to expression 2,but the condition is

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