It is a method in string that splits the given string into lists by a separator into segments. The default separator is whitespace. The separator can be specified within the brackets. It is a very powerful and useful method in Python string, used almost in all intermediate programs. The return data type is a list.
string.split(separator, max_split) max_split (optional): specifies the number of splits to be performed. By default it is -1 (all occurrences)
Example 1:
s = “CODE,hustle” x = s.split() print(x)
[‘CODE,‘, ‘hustle‘]
Here the string is split into two items by a space as the separator and returned it as a list.
Example 2:
s = “CodeWindow,code,hustle,repeat” x = s.split(“,“) print(x)
[‘CodeWindow‘, ‘code‘, ‘hustle‘, ‘repeat‘]
Here the string is split into two items by “,” as the separator and returned it as a list.
Example 3:
s = “CodeWindow,code,hustle,repeat” x = s.split(“,“,1) print(x)
[‘CodeWindow‘, ‘code,hustle,repeat‘]
Here the max_split is 1 so, it returned a list with 2 items (“,” as a separator).