Hello Guyz,
Today I m going to share my interview experience with TCS after clearing pre-qualifier round of codevita season 9. I was ranked 2000+. I got interviewed on sept 11th 2020. I got the mail one day before my interview that is on sept 10th 2020. So I only have this 1 day to prepare everything that can be asked in the interview. So I focused on following topics in decreasing order:
Projects > DSA > CodeVita solved questions > DBMS/SQL > About TCS > OS > Networking
I got the call from TCS to join the meeting within 10 minutes. I joined the meeting using the link on Microsoft teams platform.
As it was a combined interview (HR+MR+TR).
First round was MR (Managerial round) : –
Q1. Tell me about yourself?
Q2. Technologies on which you have worked?
Q3. Have you worked on ML, Blockchain, AI?
Q4. Do you know Python?
Q5. Tell me about any recent trending NEWS? I told SSR suicide case and Chinese apps ban in India.
Q6. Is SSR is your favourite actor ?
Q7. Tell me about your sports activities?
Q8. Who is your favourite cricket player? (the most easy Q for me during the whole interview) 😉
Q9. Is there any specific role on which you want to work/or not ?
Q10. Given a role/technology which is new to you , what will you do in that case?
Q11. What will you do if you were not able to deliver the report on time and take 2-3 hours extra on your first day of work if you were offered a new role/technology?
Q12. This question is extended version of Q11 . what if you keep working for 3 – 4 hours extra daily for 2-3 months because you are new to the role/technology offered. How will you cope up with that/Or is it okay with you to work 3-4 hrs extra daily for 2-3 months?

Second round was TR (technical round) : –
Q1. Do you know JavaScript and SQL ?
Q2. What is your primary coding language ?
Q3. For learning Data structures and algorithms which language you used to implement ?
Q3. Difference between interface and abstraction ?
Q4. Difference between base class and child class ?
Q5. What is Static keyword ?
Q6. Given an array which contains 10 elements . Find maximum element of it ?
Q7. What is binary search ?
Q8. What are the different types of Sorting , just tell the name of 4-5 of them ?
I was expecting him to ask from inside of sorting algorithms and more from DSA ,but he moved on and handed over the interview to the last round that is HR(Human resources) round.
Q1. How are you?
Q2. From where you are attending this interview ?
Q3. Are you OK with relocation ?
Q4. Are you okay with any shifts (Day/night) ?
Q5. Are you okay to work on any new role/technology if selected?
Q6. Do you have the soft copies of all of your 10th,12th,graduation marksheets?
We need to share the screen and show the same one by one.
In last he said Okay (XYZ) we are really happy to have you interviewed and your result will be shared to you via MAIL.
I forgot to mention the time/space complexities during technical round. Even if your interviewer don’t ask you for it , you should tell them about it while telling the answer.
Make sure that you have good internet connection along with perfect lighting conditions , because in my case he told me in the beginning that I m not visible to him properly so I managed by turning on the flash light of my phone 🙁 and it worked for him.
Be fluent while speaking and be confident.
Top Experience

I am Satyaki Das and Now I am going to share you my experience in TCS Codevita Interview process in details. My rank was 848 and they interviewed me for sharp 50mins.