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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 46 Explain the difference between middleware and routing in Node.js and when each should be used? Answer Middleware and routing are both commonly used in Node.js applications, but they serve different purposes. Middleware functions are functions that have access to the request and response objects, and the next middleware function […]

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 36 Explain how Node.js handles large files and memory efficient data processing? Answer When processing large files, it’s important to take into account the available memory and optimize the code to avoid excessive memory usage. In Node.js, the file system module provides different methods for reading and writing files that

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 26 How to manage dependencies using npm in Node.js? Answer npm (short for Node Package Manager) is the default package manager for Node.js. It allows you to easily install and manage dependencies for your Node.js projects. Here’s how to manage dependencies using npm in Node.js: Create a package.json file for

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 16 How does the Node.js event-driven programming model handle errors and exceptions? Answer In the Node.js event-driven programming model, errors and exceptions are handled using a combination of event listeners and error handling functions. When an error occurs in a Node.js application, it emits an “error” event, which can be

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 11 Explain the single-threaded event loop model in Node.js and how it enables efficient server-side programming? Answer Sure, the single-threaded event loop model is a core concept in Node.js and enables efficient server-side programming by allowing Node.js to handle large numbers of concurrent requests with a low overhead. In a

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 6 How does Node.js handle I/O operations and what advantages does it provide compared to traditional servers? Answer Node.js handles I/O operations using an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. In traditional servers, when a request comes in that requires I/O, such as reading data from a file or a database, the

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