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Web Development

NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 90 What are some of the common challenges when deploying Node.js applications in production? Answer There are several common challenges when deploying Node.js applications in production, including: Scalability: Node.js applications can handle a large number of requests, but scaling them to handle even more can be a challenge. This can

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 83 What is your experience with testing Node.js applications, and what tools have you used for this purpose? Answer There are several testing tools and frameworks available for testing Node.js applications, including Jest, Mocha, and Jasmine. These tools provide a range of features such as assertions, mocking, and test runners.

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 78 Example of how to implement authentication and authorization in a RESTful API built with Node.js and Express.js? Answer Here’s an example of how to implement authentication and authorization in a RESTful API built with Node.js and Express.js: First, we need to set up authentication using a library like Passport.js.

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 73 What is a RESTful API and what are the key principles it follows? Answer A RESTful API (Representational State Transfer) is a set of guidelines and principles for creating web services that are scalable, flexible, and easily maintainable. It is an architectural style that defines a set of constraints

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 69 How to handle database relationships and associations in an ORM like Sequelize or Mongoose? Answer In an ORM like Sequelize or Mongoose, you can handle database relationships and associations in a straightforward manner. Both Sequelize and Mongoose support defining and managing one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Here’s an example

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 64 What is the role of databases and ORMs in Node.js and why are they important for web applications? Answer Databases and Object-Relational Mapping (ORMs) are essential components of modern web applications built with Node.js. A database is a software system that allows users to store, manage, and retrieve data,

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NodeJS –

Related Topics Node JS Question 57 How to implement authentication and authorization in an Express.js application? Answer Authentication and authorization are essential parts of many web applications, and Express.js provides several tools and libraries to handle these tasks. There are many ways to implement authentication and authorization in an Express.js application, but one common approach

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