Aptitude Tricks – codewindow.in
C Program Mostly asked interview questions regarding C program. C Program Mostly asked interview questions regarding C program. C Program Mostly asked interview questions regarding C program. C Program Mostly asked interview questions regarding C program.
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/*! elementor – v3.15.0 – 09-08-2023 */ .elementor-column .elementor-spacer-inner{height:var(–spacer-size)}.e-con{–container-widget-width:100%}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer{width:var(–container-widget-width,var(–spacer-size));–align-self:var(–container-widget-align-self,initial);–flex-shrink:0}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container,.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer{height:100%}.e-con-inner>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer>.elementor-spacer-inner,.e-con>.elementor-widget-spacer>.elementor-widget-container>.elementor-spacer>.elementor-spacer-inner{height:var(–container-widget-height,var(–spacer-size))} /*! elementor – v3.15.0 – 09-08-2023 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} C Program Mostly asked interview questions regarding C program. C++ Program Mostly asked interview questions regarding C++ program. JAVA Program Mostly asked interview questions regarding Java program. Python Program Mostly asked interview questions regarding
Constant Pointer in C
A constant pointer is a pointer in C or C++ that points to a constant value, and its value cannot be changed. It is declared using the “const” keyword before the pointer variable name. For example, consider the following code: int x = 5; const int *ptr = &x; Here, the pointer variable ptr is
Static in C and JAVA
Related Topics Static in C and JAVA The keyword “static” has different meanings and uses in C and Java. In C, the keyword “static” is used to modify the scope and lifetime of variables and functions within a program. When used with a variable declared within a function, it indicates that the variable should retain
Static in C
Related Topics C Programing In C programming language, the static keyword is used to declare variables, functions, and data structures with a “static storage duration.” When a variable is declared as static inside a function, its value persists across multiple function calls. This is because the variable is not created on the stack and is
Recursion in C Program – codewindow.in
Related Topics Recursion in C Programing Recursion is a programming technique where a function calls itself repeatedly until a base case is met. It is a way of solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable subproblems, and then solving each subproblem in the same way. Recursion is a common way to