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Top 50 Data Structure Interview Questions

1. What is data structure?
2. Types of data structure.
3. What are the operations we can perform on Data Structure?
4. What is Stack?
5. What is Stack overflow?
6. What is Stack Underflow?
7. What is the condition for Stack overflow and Stack underflow?
8. What is the difference between pop() and peek()?
9. What are the applications of Stack?
10. What is Queue?

11. What is the condition for Queue empty?
12. What is the condition for Queue full?
13. What is the limitation of Simple Queue?
14. What are the applications of Queue?
15. What is called De-Queue?
16. How De-Queue overcomes the problem of Simple Queue?
17. What is the full form of de-Queue?
18. What is Input restricted de-queue?
19. What is Output restricted de-queue?
20. What is linked list?

21. What are the advantages of linked list?
22. What are the disadvantages of linked list?
23. What are the differences between array and linked list?
24. How will you define an empty list?
25. What is the difference between Stack and Queue?
26. What is the difference between Queue and De-Queue?
27. What is the difference between Queue and Circular Queue?
28. What is the difference between Circular Queue and De-Queue?
29. What is Priority Queue?
30. What is Graph?
31. What is Tree?
32. What is the difference between Tree and Graph?
33. What is binary tree?
34. What is extented binary tree?
35. What is complete binary tree?

36. What is Perfect or Full binary tree?
37. What is the difference between BFS and DFS?
38. What are the Tree Traversals?
39. What is Binary Search Tree?
40. What is the difference between Binary tree and Binary Search Tree?
41. What is AVL Tree?
42. What is the difference between Binary Search Tree and AVL Tree?
43. What is B-Tree?
44. What is B+ Tree?
45. What is Hashing?
46. What is collision?
47. What are the techniques of Hashing?
48. What are the techniques of Collision resolution?
49. What is recursion?
50. What is tail-recursion?