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What is a Namenode and what is its role in HDFS?

The NameNode is a critical component of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and serves as the master node in the HDFS architecture. The primary role of the NameNode is to manage the file system namespace and control access to files by clients.
Specifically, the responsibilities of the NameNode in HDFS include:
  1. File system metadata management: The NameNode stores and manages the metadata of the file system, including the file tree, location of blocks, permissions, and replication factor.
  2. Namespace operations: The NameNode handles operations related to the namespace, such as creating, deleting, and renaming files and directories.
  3. Block management: The NameNode tracks the location of each block of a file and manages the replication factor of each block.
  4. Client communication: The NameNode responds to client requests for information about the file system and manages client access to files.
  5. Heartbeat and health monitoring: The NameNode receives periodic heartbeat signals from each DataNode in the cluster and monitors their health status. If a DataNode fails to send a heartbeat signal, the NameNode marks the DataNode as dead and replicates its blocks to other DataNodes.
Overall, the NameNode is a critical component of the HDFS architecture, providing a centralized point of control and management for the distributed file system. Its efficient functioning is critical to the performance, reliability, and scalability of the HDFS cluster.

What is a Datanode and what is its role in HDFS?

The DataNode is a key component of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and serves as the slave node in the HDFS architecture. The primary role of the DataNode is to store the actual data of the files and provide data access services to clients.
Specifically, the responsibilities of the DataNode in HDFS include:
  1. Block storage: The DataNode stores data in the form of blocks on the local file system. It is responsible for reading and writing data blocks as instructed by the NameNode.
  2. Block replication: The DataNode replicates blocks to other DataNodes in the cluster as directed by the NameNode. This is done to ensure fault tolerance and high availability of data.
  3. Heartbeat and health monitoring: The DataNode sends periodic heartbeat signals to the NameNode to confirm its availability and to provide information about its health status. If the NameNode does not receive a heartbeat signal from a DataNode, it marks the DataNode as dead and replicates its blocks to other DataNodes.
  4. Block scanning: The DataNode scans blocks for errors, such as data corruption or bit rot, and reports any errors to the NameNode.
  5. Client communication: The DataNode responds to client requests for data access and transfers data blocks to and from clients.
Overall, the DataNode is a critical component of the HDFS architecture, responsible for storing and serving data blocks to clients. Its efficient functioning is critical to the performance, reliability, and scalability of the HDFS cluster.

Explain the process of data replication in HDFS?

In Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), data replication is a key mechanism for ensuring data availability, fault tolerance, and high data throughput. When data is stored in HDFS, it is automatically replicated across multiple DataNodes in the cluster. This provides redundancy and ensures that data can still be accessed even if one or more DataNodes fail.
The process of data replication in HDFS can be broken down into the following steps:
  1. The client sends a write request to the NameNode to store a file in HDFS.
  2. The NameNode determines the location of the first block of the file and assigns it to a set of DataNodes based on the replication factor configured in the system. The replication factor specifies how many copies of each block should be created.
  3. The client sends the data of the first block to the first DataNode in the set.
  4. The first DataNode receives the data, writes it to local disk, and then forwards a copy of the block to the second DataNode in the set.
  5. The second DataNode receives the copy of the block, writes it to local disk, and forwards a copy of the block to the third DataNode in the set.
  6. This process is repeated until all replicas have been created for the first block.
  7. The same process is repeated for the remaining blocks of the file, with each block being replicated across the DataNodes in the same way.
  8. After all blocks have been written and replicated, the client receives a confirmation from the NameNode that the file has been successfully written to HDFS.
  9. The client can then read the file from any of the replicas stored across the DataNodes.
  10. If a DataNode fails or becomes unavailable, the NameNode will automatically detect this and create new replicas on other available DataNodes to maintain the configured replication factor.
Overall, the process of data replication in HDFS is designed to ensure that data is available, fault-tolerant, and highly available even in the event of a node failure. By replicating data across multiple DataNodes, HDFS provides a robust and scalable solution for storing and processing large datasets.

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